Kiss it better - Sweet Pea

Start from the beginning

"Sweet Pea and-" was all Y/N could say before Toni interrupted her.

"Now listen up, girl. If this is gonna be another rant about your love for Sweet Pea and how he keeps on dating girl after girl, all I've got to say is: either get over him or ask him out already so you can be sure. If this is about anything else: please continue."

"They're out fighting those damned Bulldogs," was all Y/N got herself to tell Toni. She felt how the worry about her brother was about to overwhelm her. Last time he went out with Sweet Pea to fight someone (As far as Y/N remembered it was some Ghoulies), he came back with a broken rib and several cuts and bruises.

"Come on, Y/N! Fangs can take watch out for himself. And those Bulldogs are no match for our boys. You really need to stop worrying about them every time! It's not good for you!" Toni did her best to calm Y/N down.

"Yes, I know. You're right, Topaz," Y/N admitted.

"I usually am," Toni laughed a bit.

"Coming back to what you said earlier. I can't just ask him out already because our friendship means too much to me to risk it over such a stupid idea!" Y/N complained not for the first time.

"Yeah, yeah. You always say that Y/N!"

*Y/N and Toni kept chatting for a while over this and that until Y/N heard a car pull up in front of the house*

"Hey, Toni. I just heard them come back. Thanks for talking to me and being there for me."

"Never mind, girl. The alternative would have been washing up the dishes without anyone talking to me."

Just as Y/N hung up the phone, the door flew open and Sweet Pea came in supporting a limping Fangs.

"Before you lose your nerves, it's just a bruise, he didn't break anything." Before even being properly inside Sweet Pea already tried to calm you down about Fangs condition.

"For your sake I hope that's true," Y/N responded with a glare in Sweet Pea's direction, before getting the first aid kit out to tend to their bruises.

Sweet Pea sat fangs down in an armchair and took a seat on the couch where Y/N had sat minutes earlier.

After fixing up Fangs as well as she could, Y/N helped him get up and supported him walking to his room. Before leaving the living room, she gave Sweet Pea a warning, though: "if you're not still here when I get back, I promise you'll be in a lot of trouble!"

Sweet Pea, who had just been about to get up, lifted his hands in defeat and sank back down on the couch.

Y/N brought Fangs to his room and made sure he was comfortable.

"Don't be too hard on him Y/N. If it weren't for him, I would have gotten hurt even worse," Fangs said before his sister closed the door behind herself.

Back in the living room, Y/N grabbed the first aid kit and sat down next to Sweet Pea. There wasn't really much she could do, so she stuck to cleaning up the cuts and bruises in his face.

"God, Sweet Pea, you look like hell. Someone got a great swing at you," Y/N said slightly laughing.

"Maybe, but I also gave some great swings out," Sweet Pea replied with a slightly proud tone.

When Y/N was finished cleaning up Sweet Pea, she packed away the first aid kit put it back in the kitchen where it belonged. As she came back, Sweet Pea seemed to be pouting.

"What's wrong with you, big guy?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms.

"My face still hurts," Sweet Pea complained.

Y/N laughed. "And what am I supposed to do about it?" She asked.

"Kiss it better?" Sweet Pea looked at her with big puppy eyes.

Y/N laughed again. The two of them had been low-key flirting for some time now, although neither of them would admit it. So this request wasn't anything unusual.

"Fine." Y/N sat down next to Sweet Pea. "Where does it hurt, Pea?"

Sweet Pea pointed his finger at a spot on his forehead, which Y/N kissed. Then he pointed at a spot on his cheek and after that on his nose.

"Anywhere else or are you good now?" Y/N asked.

"Just one more," Sweet Pea answered.

"Okay, where?" Y/N let out another laugh.

"Right here," Sweet Pea said and pointed on his lip without taking his eyes off her face.

Y/N swallowed. That was something she hadn't expected. But then again, when did Sweet Pea ever do anything she would have expected? Convincing herself, she was still just kissing Sweet Peas ouchies better, she leaned in a bit.

Just to be met by Sweet Pea halfway. She let out a light gasp upon contact, but leaned further in right after that.

Sweet Peas hands found their way into Y/N's hair, where they stayed for the whole kiss, messing it up completely. Y/N's hands wandered to Sweet Pea's neck, just where his hairline was.

When Y/N felt Sweet Pea lick on her lower lip, begging for entrance, she more than willingly opened her lips for his tongue, deepening the kiss even more.

A/N: So, this is it. My fist Imagine. I hope you liked it.

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