Kiss it better - Sweet Pea

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It was the night of the big Serpents vs. Bulldogs fight. Y/N was sitting on the couch in their living room, re- watching her favourite movie for what must be the 1000th time already. She could recite every single line and knew exactly what would happen at any given minute in the movie, but she never grew tired of re-watching it over and over again. She was about halfway through, when she decided to go see if there was any ice cream left in the freezer. Just as Y/N was about to sit back on the couch with a big pot of her favourite ice cream in her hands, she heard a haed knock on the door. Surprised she looked at the clock, seeing that it was almost nine o'clock. Just to he save, she took her pocket knife out of her serpent jacket that hung by the door, before she opened for the unexpected visitor.

"Careful with that, Y/N! You could seriously hurt someone with that." She lowered the blade upon hearing the familiar voice of Sweet Pea, her brother's best friend.

"Well, you could have called or something, idiot! This side of the tracks, you never know who might be knocking on your door after dark!" Y/N said half as a joke but with a bitter truth in it.

"Yeah, whatever. Is Fangs home?" Sweet Pea asked. He sounded kind of pissed. Which was something Y/N wasn't used to from him. At least not when he was talking to her.

"Yes, he's in his room. Go ahead, you know where it is."

Something was off, that much Y/N knew. She just couldn't figure out what it was. Not wanting to blow everything out of proportion, she sat back down on the couch. Sweet Pea probably just had some girl trouble again. He was always practically jumping from one girl to the next. And usually it was on Fangs to listen to him rant about them before he broke up.

Y/N shook her head. Maybe this time he would realise that the girl for him was just in front of his nose. All he needed to do was ask her out. Y/N had had a thing for Sweet Pea for quite some time, but every time she gathered up the courage to ask him out after another breakup of his, he had already been dating a new girl. At some point Y/N just gave up trying and just kept on complaining to her best friend Toni about it. Fangs knew about her feelings for his best friend as well, but Y/N had made him swear not to say a word.

Just as Y/N reached for her phone to once more call Toni about Sweet Pea being in her house and probably being broken up jet again, Fangs and Sweet Pea came stomping down the stairs and towards the door.

Y/N jumped off the couch and positioned herself between the guys and the door.

"Y/N get out of the way!" Sweet Pea practically shouted at her.

"Yeah, no!" Y/N raised one eyebrow. "First of all, you don't tell me what to do in my own house. And second of all, where are you and my brother going this late this pissed?"

"That's none of your business!" Was all that Sweet Pea responded.

Y/N looked past Sweet Pea and at her brother.

"There's a fight between the Serpents and the Bulldogs in five minutes. We're not just gonna sit by. Especially since Sweet Pea practically started it." Fangs rolled his eyes a bit, since this wasn't the first fight Sweet Pea had gotten them into.

Y/N sighed. "Just both come back in one piece and try not to kill anyone, okay?" She stepped out of their way.

"We'll take care Y/N/N," Fangs said before grabbing his serpent jacket off the hook by the door and following Sweet Pea outside.

After closing the door behind the guys, she went back to the couch and decided to call Toni after all.

She answered almost immediately.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Hearing her bestie's voice calmed her down a bit. She hadn't even realised, how tensed up she had gotten. She knew that Fangs could take care of himself. It still worried her, when he left with Sweet Pea to fight.

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