thirty nine - real life

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felt bad leaving you guys on such a short ending. so this is fhe official end.


it'd been a month since john and vienne had restarted their relationship and life had never been going so smoothly for the youtuber.

vienne laughed as john scrolled through the camera roll of his old phone on his computer. she'd convinced him to get an apple solely for the purpose of higher quality snapchats.

he'd backed up his android and hadn't even remembered he still had pictures of him with brown hair.

she nearly choked on her coffee, resting a freshly painted hand on his shoulder when her footing slipped and she almost collapsed onto the ground. it wasn't helping that he was currently streaming, and the chat kept commenting things that made them both smile.

they had a bond only seen in movies. their friends third-wheeled even when they went on double dates.

john couldn't help but crack a grin as he glanced towards her, her cheeks red from fits of laughter.

vienne's right hand was currently drying in the small UV 'cave' on his desk, after he'd painted her nails to match his own. the twitch chat had literally blown up, and his amount of viewers increased when he clickbaited his twitter followers.

"your girlfriend is hot." the platinum blond read aloud, and he exhaled. "i know, right?"

"is john a virgin?" vienne raised her eyebrows, before responding blandly. "we fucked last night -so no."

it was his turn to choke, coughing as his ears turned pink.

grinning, she reached over for the vape on the edge of the desk, blowing out a cloud that obscured them from the webcam.


john ended the stream later on when her nails had dried and they sat on his bed, nestled into each other. in the heat, they normally would've been in the kitchen. sitting on the cool tiles as they talked. but the temperature had dropped steadily the past few days, to their relief.

he meant to press a kiss to her cheek, but she tilted her head incidentally and that soon led to a full on makeout session.

"vee?" he paused, hands rubbing circles into the exposed skin on her waist.

she glanced up, watching waves dance in his eyes. "yeah?"

"i love you."

"i love you too, johnny."

hate this ending but i felt bad leaving you all on that short thing


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