After class, I put my things in the locker and ran for the entrance of the school. Then, as I ran, I bumped into him, again. His minty cologne filled me again. "I am so sorry—you?" He asked and turned around. " Sorry, sorry. I was in a rush." I apologised. But the moment we locked eyes, my heart started beating fast. His dark gray eyes stared into mine with such passion that I was breathless. I swallowed visibly while he cleared his throat.

Out of the blue, someone elbowed me and I was caught by the arm, by a strong, big, hand. The moment he touched me, a spark of electricity ran up my arm, which sent tingles down the back of my spine. I found myself nearly weak on my knees from his touch. He must've thought it was because the guy elbowed me pretty hard, that's why I was shaking but no. That wasn't it.

He slid his long arm around my back and propped me up against his hard chest. He asked if I was alright, worry was heard in his voice—and that's what soothed me at that moment, at that time. People were giving us glances but I didn't care. So, I slowly stood up, regaining my balance back while he watched my movements. " I'm alright. Thanks for helping me out."I said. He nodded and scanned my face for a second. Once again, I was mesmerised by his eyes.

The way he looked at me, I could not help but feel assured and safe near him. It was as if his presence could calm me, assure me that I was okay. " Okay. want to go for lunch with me?" He blurted out. I was surprised. I would never expect him to say that. By then, everyone was gone and it was only the two of us on the hallway. Before I could reply, he said, "Don't worry about my friends. They'll be fine." I felt like I needed to be closer to him so I said yes. He grinned and I was once again lost in his perfect features. He took me by the hand and we went to the school's parking lot.

I knew Rhea had to stay back so she should be okay with it. But, she's gonna freak out when she hears about this. I figured his offer was just because he wanted to be polite and make sure I was okay. When we reached the mall, we walked toward the food court. Since it was crowded, we had to squeeze our way through. We held hands so we wouldn't lose each other even though I knew he wouldn't cause of his height, he could be easily seen.

It was as if he didn't care. Like he just wanted me close. We arrived at the food court and the queue was worse. Luckily, there was a restaurant nearby and not many people were inside. We went in and took a seat. We ordered Chicken fingers, burgers, fries, and of course, a side of salad. After our food arrived, we dug in hungrily. I noticed that he watched me when I lick my lips or suck the crumbs of my fingers. I felt a little self-conscious, but didn't think too much about it. So I started a conversation. "Umm...why did you offer me lunch, exactly?" I asked shyly. Worry was seen in his eyes, before it disappeared.

He gave me a heart-warming smile and said, " Because you look tired..and hungry." " Oh. O-okay." I stuttered. He gave me another one of his dazzling smile and I smiled back. "'s life so far?" I asked again. "Good. And bad. Yours?" He asked. Looking at him I could barely hear him. I was so engrossed in his features. Eyes, hair, lips... " is good and bad."I replied. He gave nodded in agreement and lifted his hand. I knew it was a sign of a high-five so I high-fived him and again a spark of electricity ran down my arm and sent tingles to my tummy.

After we finished our food, we walked towards his car. While walking, we suddenly stopped and he took a selfie. "Hey!" I shouted. "You wanna see it?" He replied. I nodded my head and he covered his phone instead. Then, he asked me for my phone number, so that he could send it to me. I hesitated a bit. I didn't usually give guys my phone number. But looking at his eyes, I gave in. We got inside his car, I gave him my address and he dropped me off at my house. "Bye..., Rose." He said, and god, did I love the way my name came out of his mouth. "Bye Reece."I choked out.

I don't know what came over me, but I leaned towards him and left a kiss on his cheek. " Thanks for treating me lunch."I mumbled. He seemed a little surprised but didn't pull away. He nodded, and drove off. At my house, my phone rang. I picked up and it was Rhea. "Sup?"I asked. "Umm...hello? We're supposed to meet at my house after my extra class right?" She said. "Oh...umm sorry. I'll come to your house and explain." I said. "You better." She replied. She hung up and I heard a familiar 'ding!' coming from my phone. I was an image of our selfie. I studied his smiling face while I had a small smile on my face.

At Rhea's house, I told her about my 'lunch-date' with Reece and she freaked out. I left out the kissing part though. I know it will only remind her about Brett and Jenna. So I told her about how we made contact and stuff. "I think he likes you." Rhea concluded. "What? I'm way out of his league and why would he like a girl like me? I'm just an ordinary girl who is barely passing her grades." I replied. "For god sakes you are blind and he can change his mind bruh. He helped many people who fall down or whatever but never treated them lunch or give them anything, afterwards. He only helps them up, make sure they're okay, then leaves. The fact that I look at Brett hanging out with him all the time, what he does when he helps people, and what he did to you, it shows that he feels at least attracted to you," She explained. "The question is, do you like him?" She continued. "I-i-i like him. Yeah I do."I replied. I ran my hand through my hair feeling a little frustrated on how I was falling for Reece.

I didn't reply to her explanation as I didn't know what to say. "Could it be true? Does Reece like me?" I thought as I said goodbye to Rhea and fell asleep thinking about him.


Okay guys, this is the second Chapter! Do you think Rhea and Reece will date one another? Comment and vote!


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