Chapter 1: The start of school..

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I got back into the truck and checked the time.

"Ugh, we've been out here for four hours. When will we be done dad?" I asked.

"Another hour Adrie, be patient." Davon replied.

An hour passed and we were all drenched with sweat. My dad spoke as he turned on the truck for AC.

"You guys want to head out for dinner after we get home and shower?"

My brother and I spoke at the same time.


The drive home never felt better. The nice cold AC blasting through the vents as I catch legendary Pokémon. This could not get any better.

Before looking up from my phone I checked the time, five thirty pm. I noticed that we were almost home, then my dad spoke up.

"School will be starting soon, your mom and I bought your school supplies already. You guys better behave in school. And Luke, I better not get any calls from your teachers or principals."
He says laughing.

"I can't promise you that dad." Lukas responds chuckling.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my brother and I are in the same grade, we're also the same age, but we have different birthdays, since we're in the same grade we wished that we didn't have any classes together.

I get side tracked from catching my Pokémon when I heard the car engine stop, I looked up to check where we were and we arrived home.
I jumped out the truck and walked inside straight into my bedroom to grab my towel then into the bathroom to shower. After we all finished showering, we got into the truck and went out to Outback for dinner.

***** September 2018 *****
I woke up to the annoying sound of my dad banging on my bros door to wake up, my personal alarm clock. Ugh great the start of school. After waking up, taking a quick shower and getting dressed, I grabbed my backpack and waited in the living room. I noticed my best friend Zion sitting on the couch, I was surprised because I forgot that he goes with us in the morning to school. Our school wasn't that far so it was a pretty short drive, when we got to school Lukas walked us to the office to grab our schedule, since I didn't know the school too well so Lukas and Zion walked me around to get the school a little better. They showed me where my classes were. My schedule was; homeroom- Personal Finance,
And on even days I had, Aerospace Science I, Honors US History and 11 Honors English. On odd days I had Honors Chemistry, Film and Literature and Trigonometry.
We compared our schedules and I had a few classes with Zion but none with Lukas. We walked around the building a few times in the morning before the first bell to head to class rang. This ended up being our routine.
A few days after the same routine, I noticed a short girl running towards us and it turns out shes friends with my brother and Zion. Lukas introduced me to her, I learned her nickname Nat is short for Natalie, and apparently she was shocked when she found out that I was his brother.
She said.
"No way in hell Lukas! How is he your brother and I never heard about or met him? I've never saw him in middle school with us?"
I spoke up for myself.
"Well it's because I moved out from my moms place to live with my dad."
Lukas wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a noogie messing up her hair. She squealed complaining in a childish voice. After meeting her that day, she started sticking around with us during our routine. I didn't really care that she was there but she flirted a lot with Zion and I. I assumed that was her personality, never really thinking that she likes me or any of that bull crap.
I found out that she's a sophomore who is in Aerospace Science II, and that she was really suicidal, even thought she tried being care free and hyper, I could tell she was dying on the inside just like me. She kept close with Zion and I, which got us to know each other more.
After a few weeks of school, Nat started sitting with us in the cafeteria, along with other Aerospace Science students. She always sat next to me, but I didn't care because I was busy playing Clash Royale with the guys at the table. It turned out we had lunch together everyday, we always sat with each other when no one else was around, and it felt natural for some reason.
At the end of the day, Nat, Zion, Lukas and I walked home. When we reached the point where we broke off, she begged Zion and I too walk her home because her ex, Jericho, wouldn't stop bothering her. My brother was a head of us and got into our house already, so we decided to walk her. The walk to her house felt like forever, to kill time we talked about what happened today and after about fifteen minutes we reached her house. She thanked me with a kiss on the cheek, I didn't really think much of it because Zion spoke up and said, "Aw man, where's my kiss?"
She laughed and gave Zion a kiss too. After we watched her enter her house we headed back to my house. When we reached my house, Zion wanted to come over to work on our English project since we picked each other to be partners. We started our project by looking up topics that we could easily present in front of our class.


I'm sorry if I had a lot of spelling errors and mistakes, I keep working late at night on these stories 😂. I hope you enjoyed, please vote and leave comments. Thank you for being interested in my stories. ❤️
Xoxo, little uni.

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