Chapter 1

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Your POV

I woke up to a loud beeping from my alarm, i turned it off and stretched as I let out a long yawn "today's the day!" I said happily as I quickly got into a tan sweatshirt and some black sweatpants "morning mom!" I said before quickly eating all your cereal "good luck honey" my mom said in a calm voice "thanks mom" i said rushing out the door and to the area your entrance exam would be help.

I got there just in time, my seat was assigned next to a green haired male who kept mumbling things to himself, it was hard to pay attention but I didn't really feel the need to listen apart from how much points every  bot gave you, after a while a dark blue haired male stood up and pointed out that the green haired male was mumbling and interrupting the instructions "hey how about you mind your own business and try to listen, I'm sitting right next to the kid and you don't hear me complaining" I told the guy, he stood there speechless before sitting back down.

Later after we got our exam areas I walked around thinking for a plan on how I could possibly gain many points, "begin!!!" You heard present mic call out as the gates opened, "alright, let's go this way" i said to myself as I began running the opposite direction the rest were going in, I found multiple one and two pointers and quickly shot a blast of water at them from my hands, the blast knocked the robots to the wall "that should be at least twenty something points" I told myself as I continued running around.

After i destroyed my tenth two pointer and my twelfth one pointer leaving me with thirty two points a heard loud screaming and the ground began to shake "what the" i quickly turned the corner to see people running away from i gigantic zero pointer "welp that explains a lot" I told myself, I noticed a brown haired girl stuck under some debris, "oh no!" I quickly ran towards her and began pushes the debris off of her, I had to blast it off actually, I then noticed the same green haired boy from earlier jump up into the sky and punch the zero pointer knocking it down with one punch "woah" I said as I saw that he began falling "oh god" I whispered to my self as he fell "I hate doing this, but I'm not letting anyone die today" I said as my right arm turned to water and stretched out  grabbing the green hair boy.

I pulled him back down to the ground and laid him down on the ground "hey are you okay!?" I said looking at him "please don't be dead please don't be dead" I kept saying to myself as I began shaking the other male, soon enough recovering girl arrived thankfully and healed the green haired male "oh thank god" I said with a sigh of relief.

Time skip brought to you by me being lazy

A few weeks later when I was walking home a checked the mailbox and a small brown bag was there, I decided to take it inside even though neither me or my mom ordered anything I thought what if it was my exception to u.a 'maybe not u.a but any other one would do.... I'm lying to myself' I waked to my room and opened the package, the small disc began showing a projection which all night was in "young (l/n) you did an amazing job at the entrance exam, you scored forty- five points, and ten rescuer point!" All might said proudly "wee shall see you at u.a in a couple of days, good luck" he said before the projection turned off "mom!!!" I yell out getting her attention "I'm right here honey, you don't have to yell" (su reference) "I got in!!!" I say as I hug her tightly "good job!" Now let's get ready for bed, you have a big day coming up soon" she said "sure thing mom". After brushing my teeth and putting on my usual pajamas I wrapped myself with a blanket and went to sleep.

Thunderstruck(denki kaminari x male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora