Ren X Tsundere Reader

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I watched the scene in front of me with my twitching eye from pure annoyance.  In front of me was the famous flirt, Ren Jinguji and what was he doing that was annoying me you ask? He and I were supposed to be heading over to a new cafe since he spent two whole hours trying to convince me to go with him but here he is wasting my time flirting with his fans. I tapped my feet impatiently and growled. Now, normally I wouldn't get too worked up about this because but he was letting one of them all over him. Not that I care! I-I just found it unprofessional and stupid. I grew tired of waiting for the baka so I just left and went back to the master course. 

When I entered the building Otoya looked at me confused. "(f/n)-chan aren't you supposed to be out with Ren?" I crossed my arms and huffed angerly.

"The baka wasted my time. We didn't even make it to the cafe because he was too busy flirting with his fans," I grumbled. 'That stupid baka! It's not like I really wanted to go to the stupid cafe with him but it would have been nice to be able to go.'

"What's the big deal anyway? You know he's a flirt so why do you act like this is anything new?" Ranmaru questions me with a grunt. My cheeks grew warm as a like red hue dusted them.

"Oi! I never said it was a big deal! I just don't like having my time wasted baka!" I yelled turning my head to hide my blush.

"According to my data, there's a 98% chance you have feelings for him and that's why you're upset that he was flirting with his fans instead of taking you to the cafe," Ai said popping out of nowhere. By now my face was dark crimson.

"Shut up baka! Screw you and your data!" I stormed off to my room. When I got inside I slammed my door shut. 'Stupid Ai and his data!' The truth is I do have feelings for Ren but he's always flirting with every girl but me. He even flirts with Haruka. I sat on my bed with my knees to my chest and silently sobbed. After a good twenty minutes, I stopped crying and fixed myself so that I looked perfectly fine. Right as I was about to open my door to leave a knock appeared at my door. I opened it up to see Ren.

"Oh, I see you finally stopped flirting. What do you want baka?" I glared.  Ren's dealt with my harsh attitude long enough to not be phased by it so he just gave me a soft smile.

"I apologize for earlier my lady. If you'd like we could try to go to the cafe tomorrow," he said taking my hand and guiding it to his mouth to place a kiss on it. I yank my hand away before he could kiss it.

"Why the hell would I agree to go anywhere with you when you're just gonna waste my time flirting with your fans?" I questioned sounding hurt. "You think it'll be any different than today, seriously? No matter what you'll always just leave me to flirt with any girl that isn't me." By now tears swelled in my eyes. Ren looked taken back by my outburst. I began to walk past him when he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest.

"So all this time my lady wanted my affection. If you would have told me sooner I would have stopped charming my fans long ago," he chuckled. I blushed crimson and was about to snap at him when he cut me off. "(f/n). Have you ever wondered why I always treated you different? Why I never tried to charm you like I would with other girls? It's because you're not like the others. I love you, my lady."

I couldn't think of a response so I just snuggled into his chest. "Baka," I mumbled. He chuckled at this and kissed the top of my head. "you're not allowed to flirt with any other girl. If you do I'm gonna kill you." Ren laughed. 

"As you wish, my precious tsundere."

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