Chapter 36 - Trust

Start from the beginning

Nadya nods and we set off again. As we make it to the hallway with the offices, a crashing noise comes from the cafeteria. The walls around us shake. 

Elysia is caving in.

"Leah," I say, and she snaps her head toward me. "Have you seen Evita?"

She shakes her head no. "She probably made it out before any of us."

My adrenaline spikes and I try to slow my racing heart. "I'm going to check Sheer's office."

"No," she frowns. "There isn't time."

"I have to," I say. Leah sets her jaw, glaring at me. "Get Nadya out?" I ask. She continues to glare, but finally nods. I duck into Sheer's office, amid the sounds of rumbling behind us. 


On the screen test subjects pour into the hallway outside the Solarium. I catch sight of a blond head, Nadya, and Dale next to her. He's talking to Leah. I let out my breath. He made it out. They're going to make it.

In the corner, Sheer's body lays slumped on the ground. I don't look at it. I can't. But I can feel it in the room with me, like she's still alive. 

On another screen I see Brandt and Weston above ground outside, climbing into a car. Only three people know I was giving Nadya the pills. Ellis is dead. Sheer is dead.

And Brandt is gone.

Suddenly, panic envelops me. Weston saw my hands this morning. What if he and Brandt talk? What if they put it all together?

Everything crashes over me, and I fall to my knees sobbing. I look at my hands. The green has spread further, and it's brighter, as if it's taking over more and more of my cells. It's so obvious, I don't know how I didn't see it before. I'm living proof that what they were trying to do here is possible. I'll never be able to hide. I'll never be able to return to a normal life in Sanzha. It will never be over. Not while I'm still alive. Not while there's a body for them to find.


Unless I don't leave them a body to find. You can't perform tests on a pile of ash.

I grip the gun tighter in my hand. My finger rests on the trigger.

I raise it to my temple.


As I enter Sheer's office the lights go out. I guess the fires finally took out the solar room. The emergency lights blink on, and the door to what must be the control room is open before me.

I step into the doorway and suck in a breath.

One wall is splattered in red. Sheer lies on the ground in a puddle of blood, a bullet hole in her chest.

A wall full of screens show nothing but static, and two are broken. Shattered glass litters the ground beneath them. On the other wall a cabinet full of guns and ammunition stands open.

And in the middle of it all Evita is holding a gun to her head.


Pull the trigger.

I can't make my finger move.

Do it, Evita.

"No!" Dale races into the room and kneels before me. His eyes bulge and he presses his fist to his mouth.

I don't lower the gun, my eyes wide. "You need to get out of here."

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