Triple Culprit Undecided (Kokichi X Reader)

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Third P.O.V.

The remaining students gathered in the Class Trial Room. Eight students remained after the death of one murder.

"Just say you're the one who did it!" Himiko, the Ultimate Mage, yelled as she pointed to the pair of lovers.

"I'm sorry, but you really don't have the proof that either of us did it." The purple haired boy said.

"And even if we did it, only one of us can be the blackened. Why would we commit a murder together if only one of us is going to be killed?" The dark blue haired girl added.

"Admit it! You both killed Miu!" Tsumugi, the Ultimate Cosplayer, said.

"Like we said, it wasn't us."

"And we can prove it."

The purple haired boy and dark blue haired girl looked at each other, and the dark blue haired girl looked to the massive man that stood near them.

"Gonta killed Miu." (Y/N), the Ultimate Persuader, stated.

"Gonta couldn't have killed Miu! He's too kind to do that!" Himiko replied.

"That right! Gonta no kill Miu! Gonta is gentleman! Gentleman don't kill!" Gonta screamed.

"But Gonta did kill Miu. I was there. It happened in the Virtual World." (Y/N) explained. "I had no part in it, obviously, but I did get to see it happen. I'll admit, it makes me a little jealous. The entire plan was flawless, and it would've worked if it hadn't have been an idiot acting it out."

"What does that mean? Are you saying that Gonta didn't come up with the plan?" Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective, questioned.

"Of course he didn't. Gonta isn't that bright. He's a complete moron, for Christ's sake. What on Earth makes all of you think he could come up with a way to kill Miu and make it look completely impossible?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow.

"So if Gonta didn't come up with the plan, who did?"

"It's pretty obvious, isn't it? I already said I had nothing to do with it, but I was there to watch it happen. Now, if you think about it hard enough, you should be able to pick out the person who plotted the murder. I mean, I'm always with one other person, no matter what we're doing."

(Y/N) looked at the purple haired boy as he nodded in agreement. The two both put on their malicious smiles as they stared at Shuichi.

"Isn't that right, Shuichi? You know who came up with the plan, don't you?" (Y/N) shrugged her shoulder and held her hand up as she questioned the Ultimate Detective.

"Yes. I do know who did it. And that's you!" Shuichi pointed across the room. "Isn't that right, Kokichi?"

"Yep! Ya got me! I came up with the plan, and Gonta carried it out." Kokichi, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, chuckled as he put his hands behind his head.

"You liar! How could you try and blame Gonta?!" Himiko screamed, pointing to Kokichi.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to ruin all of the fun and take away the mystery! Gonta really is the culprit."

"No! I believe in Gonta! He would never do such a thing! The only one who would do such a thing is you!" Kaito, the Ultimate Astronaut, yelled furiously as he stared at Kokichi.

"Nye-he-heee. Kaito reeealy desperate to make me the culprit. No matter how much you whine about it, you can't change the truth! The culprit who killed Miu is Gonta Gokuhara! This is the truth you all adore so much!"

The arguments continued on. (Y/N) spent her breath defending Kokichi while the others tried their best to blame him.

"But....Didn't I tell you guys already?" Kokichi asked. "If you're planning to expose a liar, then you have to corner them psychologically. Only ten will they reveal their true self as a liar-hiding underneath a layer of deceit! That's why it hurts my heart to persecute Gonta like this! Gonta, if you understand, then do it right! Make logical arguments for the truth!"

The large man looked confused. "L-Logical arguments?"

"It means use your head to make arguments!"


"What I'm trying to say is....if you aren't the culprit, then you gotta prove that you aren't!"

"But....Gonta really not know..."

"I'm sick of hearing you say you don't know! God, why are you so dumb!?"

"Gonta just wanna help everyone! Like true gentleman!"

"You're a true gentleman!? More like a true nincompoop!"

"Hey! Now that's just bullying!" Himiko jumped into the argument.

Kokichi stared at the smaller girl. "....Bullying? Yeah, so what? That's what you do in this game, right? You guys blame and gang up on me, but now you're gonna pretend to be good people? Gonta! Argue back already! Just make an excuse or...whatever!"

"Stop it!! That's enough!" Kaito barked.

(Y/N) sighed as the arguing continued. It wasn't until Kokichi reached over and tapped her arm with his hand did she refocus on the issue at hand.

"Miu had changed the settings on her own avatar, but she also did it to us two." Kokichi reminded the others. "She was planning to murder only me, but she knew that (Y/N) would be wherever I was, so she took the extra precautionary step to make sure she couldn't fight back while I was being murdered."

"So Kokichi tricked Miu into telling him how the world works, and he was able to find out the truth about the Virtual World. He used that to his advantage, and he told me about his plan when we took Gonta to the forest." (Y/N) added. "It doesn't really matter that Gonta doesn't remember. He's the one that did it."


In the end, the evil duo was correct. Gonta had killed Miu while they were all inside of the Virtual World.

"Kokichi, do you really think that was the best way to do that?" (Y/N) asked as the two retreated to the dormitory. "I mean, the way Miu was killed was considerably bland."

"It's fine. We're both still alive, and there's two less participants to worry about." Kokichi replied, brushing off (Y/N)'s comment.

"Can you at least try and make the next one a little interesting?"

"Yeah, yeah."

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