Between The Lines

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 I was seven, i still barely understood the concept of death until it happened in my driveway. I remember it in pieces like a puzzle put together but with some pieces missing. You can still make out the main picture but the details are unclear. I remember sitting in the bus playing with the soft yarn hair of the doll my mother sewed for me when i was born. i remember when Mason, the boy who pulled my hair and spilled milk on my new dresses, snatched my doll away from me. I looked up desperatley reaching out for her as he waved it just above my reach. I remember my mothers soft voice in my head reciting the words she told me this morning, 'you are beautiful, you are strong, and you are unique never let anyone make you feel or think otherwise' her soothing voice relaxed me. I stood up and walked over to Mason. "Give me my doll back please." i demanded. The look he gave me was one i'll never forget, he was shocked, shocked that i would stand up to him. Still in shock he threw the doll onto my lap. 

I was so happy, i remember hopping off the bus and running down the block unable to wait to tell my mother. Something stopped me though, maybe it was the sirens or the flashing lights but something slowed me down and made me sick to my stomach. As i walked up to my driveway i could see several paramedics struggling to get an occupied stretcher into the back of the amulance. I felt my doll slip from my grip onto the cold sidwalk as i ran towards my father. as passed the stretcher i saw a glimpse of my mothers face, still peaceful and beautiful. "Daddy! What's going on? Where are they taking momy?" I looked at my fathers pained expression waiting desperatley for an answer. "Daddy, PLEASE ANSWER ME!". All he responded was, "She killed herself.". 

Authors note: This is my first fanfiction so trust me already know it really bad. I 'm open to constructive criticisim. Sorry its so short i just wanted to get her past over with so you could understand her a little better.

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