Chapter 2

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King of the clouds,
Of the clouds,1
I feel lifted,
I feel lifted.

-King Of The Clouds, Panic!  At The Disco

I saw heads turn as we walk into the school, probably because I was the renowned noble joining the school.  I heard whisperings as we walked through to the place we were supposed to go when we got in. 
'Isn't that Lord Gerhard's daughter'  one said
'If she thinks she'll get it easy because she's nobility, she's wrong'
Said another

I didn't care about what they were saying because I had anticipated this honestly, I knew I wouldn't be given respect just because of nobility because you have to earn respect.  I know that especially well.


We got to the reception area and spoke to the lady there who gave us our timetables and the key to our rooms and we head our separate ways, I went to the girls dormitories and Kai went off to the boys.  I walked into my room and was looking around when a knock sounded at my door.  Not wanting to be rude I answered the door to greet whoever was there.

When i opened the door i saw the face of a girl smiling brightly but her eyes betrayed her false aura she was giving off.

"Hi" she spoke a little too joyfully for my taste "you must be the Lord's Daughter it's a pleasure to meet you" she dragged out the pleasure like she felt the complete opposite.

"Well...yes I am.  What business do you have here?" I questioned her

"I just wanted to greet our newest student and meet the noble of the school" she turned and began to walk away but as I was about to close the door she turned back and spoke "oh, and if you think you will get it easy in this school, you're wrong, you see, respect is earned in this school, you won't be served everything on a silver platter.  Goodbye now milady."  She walked away and I shut the door, what a strange girl.  I decided that as it was quite late I would head to sleep.

Hi guys! Llumpy here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and i hope the four of you who have read it so far stick along to the end of the series.  It will be great! (I hope)
See you next chapter!

Dragon Academy | Book 1 In The Scentia Academy Series Where stories live. Discover now