So he didn't tell her about my life . . . of course he didn't. "Um . . . no, my parents died when I was very little. I don't even remember them."

     She gasped a little. "I'm so sorry . . ."

     I shrugged. "It's fine. I don't tell people really, just Shoto and now you."

     She nodded her understanding. "You're a very strong girl, I can tell. Shoto cares about you a lot, more than you think, I bet."

     I sat up a little straighter, wanting her to explain.

    "Shoto doesn't let a whole lot of people in his comfort zone, you see. He rarely lets people get close to him, and most of the time he's by himself. It's not that he's lonely, he just prefers it."

     Yeah, I can see that, I thought. He has friends, but he doesn't really consider anyone his 'best' friend. For him to want to be with me . . . I really must be special. I felt my heart happily throb at the thought.

     Mrs. Todoroki continued talking. "Then, when you came along, he talked about you so much that I was surprised. After the way he'd describe you, tell me the things you would say, and how much fun you were, I wanted to meet you right away. You mean a lot to him."

     I felt so flattered. I was speechless, and I felt like an idiot for not saying anything back. Eventually though, I thought of the perfect answer. "Shoto means everything to me, too. He's my world, honestly."

     She smiled, appreciating my response. She moved from the bed and sat next to me on the bench.

     "I know you'll take care of him, (Y/N)."

     Huh?! 'Take care of him'?! What had been a completely tender an honest moment suddenly turned weird for me. 'Take care of him'?! Whoa, it's not like we're getting married or something! Not that I wouldn't want that to happen, of course . . . I suddenly felt awkward and at a loss.

    "Excuse me for being so blunt," she apologized. "He said he didn't tell you yet, but Shoto's been through a lot, and it's made him quite independent. For the longest time he didn't trust anyone or anything. But now he's met you, and you lit up his world. I know he'll protect you with everything he has."

     I understood now. This mother had a fierce love for her son, and she just wanted to make sure I would give him my all just as Shoto was doing for me. I felt shook by her words though, each sentence made me love Shoto even more.

     I gave her a sincere nod. "I'm gonna take care of him, I promise."

     I hoped it was a promise I could keep. Shoto seemed too good for me, like he was my superior in every way. I felt like I didn't deserve him, and I felt shivers every time I thought about how lucky I was to have him. Nothing about it seemed real to me. However, it was better than any dream.

     My mind suddenly drifted to how I'd first met him, when we were rolling onto the shoulder of the road in an unruly mess. I blushed hard at the memory, how I was acting all badass and was all of the sudden in need of saving. I'd gladly let it happen again, though, if it meant I'd get the pleasure of meeting him all over again.

    Just then Shoto returned with the cup of water and handed it to his mom. He then sat on the bed across from us and watched us for a few seconds. I could tell he noticed my beet-red face.

     "What were you guys talking about?" he asked.

     I didn't answer. I got up and flew at him, throwing my arms around him. I gave him a few soft kisses at the base of his neck. "Oh, Shoto . . ." I whispered, "I just love you so much."

     He grabbed me under my thighs and pulled me onto his lap.

     I withdrew from his neck and looked into his beautiful eyes.

     "I love you too," he whispered in my ear before giving me long, sincere kiss on the side of my head.


About an hour later, (Y/N)'s POV

     We visited with Mrs. Todoroki for a while after, but then eventually left so we could get to our homework.

     I really liked Shoto's mom, I thought she was caring and easy to talk to, but at the same time smart and observant. However, the one question that I didn't want to ask, though I wanted to know the answer to more that anything, was why she was in the hospital in the first place. There certainly didn't seem to be anything wrong with her; she seemed perfectly healthy. I assumed that Shoto would tell me one of these days, so I stayed silent about it.

     We were only a block from U.A. when I recieved a text from Kaito, telling me I had to get back to headquarters. Disappointed, I slipped my phone back into my pocket without replying.

     "I can't hang out with you today," I said to Shoto. "Kaito just texted me saying I have to go back." This better not be a mission, I thought. Or worse, I might be told I have to fly to Osaka to represent our team.

     We stopped walking and Shoto turned to me. "Okay, that's no big deal. You'll still be here tomorrow though, right?"

     I nodded. Even if this was a mission, I'd probably be able to pull strings and get myself out of it with Kaito and Nachika's help. "Don't worry, I'm not going to miss tomorrow for the world."

     "Okay then," he answered. "(Y/N), can I ask you something?"

     "What is it?"

     "You said Kaito's around your age and he's your roommate, but you don't . . .like . . ." 

     I could tell he didn't want to finish, and was hoping I would just know what he was talking about. Lucky for him, I understood. "No, none of us share a bed!" I said, laughing. 

     "I'm sorry, I was just checking." He looked down at the ground, giving me the privilege of witnessing a rare embarrassed Shoto. It was adorable.

     I smirked. "You just got jealous, didn't you?"

    He looked up at me again but said nothing.

    Laughing, I playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Come on, you were totally jealous!"

    "Shut up!" he tried commanding with seriousness, but only ended up laughing with me. He ran after me and caught me around the waist from behind.

     I keeled over in his arms, still laughing. I enjoyed being in this silly mood with him, and I felt even more special because I was the only one that could get him like this. I also loved the fact that he'd been jealous over me.

     Shoto adjusted his hold on me so that I stood up straight, the back of my shoulders against his chest. He nestled his face in the crook of my neck and gave me dozens of light kisses all around the area. "(Y/N) . . ." he whispered occasionally during breaths.

     I reached up and stroked his hair as he did so, closing my eyes and smiling. "My precious icy fireball," I whispered back.

     Eventually he withdrew and just wrapped me across the chest, holding me to him. "So I'll get you at seven tomorrow, at Mikura's house?"

     I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. Of course at Mikura's house."


This chapter was kinda cute, at least I thought so. How did I do with Shoto's mom? We really don't get to know her much in the anime/manga so I just hope I created an acceptable depiction of her. Date night is coming up! *wink*

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and thanks for your votes & comments :D

Bye for now!

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