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It believed that this mess had started when Alex had ranted to it about taking care of itself, after he had learned about how it refused to sleep, barely ate, and had wounded its hand on the mirror. It had been called to his office, unaware of the maelstrom of emotions waiting for it. The human had been furious, and in the middle of his rant he had made his worst mistake yet.

He had used her name.

"Dammit Morgan, you need to take care of yourself!" He had shouted, unaware of the way it had stiffened and clenched its newly bandaged hand against its thigh. "You need to be healthy in case something happens! We can't have you passing out or getting killed if the Typhons attack!"

Alex slammed his fist into his desk, making the picture on the table jump and fall over with a clack. Anger and frustration were clearly written all over his face, and he probably would have continued his rant if he did not look up into its eyes.

Whatever he saw there made him freeze, and a cold, uncomfortable feeling wormed its way into its chest. It had known that Alex had hoped it would somehow turn into Morgan, but to hear it in such a way...

The human did not care if it lived or died, all he cared for was the slim chance that his sister might still be alive in it.

With that thought echoing within its mind, the creature stood up and swiftly left the office, knowing Mikhaila was waiting for it outside the closed door. It ignored Alex's questions and apologies.

Or it did until the human grabbed its arm.

Every Typhon instinct within it screamed to take advantage of the human's emotionally compromised state and tear him apart with its tendrils. To rip and tear until there was nothing left of the pathetic, weak being standing in front of it. It shoved the instinctual demands out of its mind and glared at Alex, summoning every ounce of hatred and anger within its body, burning the human with the heat of its gaze.

"Let go." It hissed sharply, voice sounding both like and unlike Morgan's. Alex cringed back, whether from its glare, voice, or a combination of the two, and his grip loosened enough for the creature to yank its arm out of his grasp and storm out the door.

It did not turn back to see the regretful expression on Alex's face, or the hand that was still reached out towards it. It ignored the whisper, in a voice that sounded far too much like Morgan that said, it's not his fault, it's an honest mistake, don't be angry! and marched off down the hall, Mikhaila trailing after it.

All it focused on was suppressing the burning pain that consumed its human heart and the thought of running back to its room and hiding for the rest of the day.

Hiding from the truth it knew but never wished to acknowledge.


Several "days", as it was never sure of how much time passed and only marked it by its rare sleeping cycles, had passed before it had to deal with yet another person using the name.

The name it hated, it despised with every fiber of its being, the name of the person who was the reason why they were all in this mess, who's failure had doomed all of them to a life of pain, suffering, and the struggle of survival!

It was clearly not a fan of Morgan, but it never told anyone its true feelings.

Especially Alex, for obvious reasons.

It had no doubt the human would suffer a heart attack if it dared to mention how pathetic his sibling had truly been. How weak and cowardly she actually was under the mask she wore. That and the several Operators it regularly communicated with, friends a voice within its mind said, would have been furious with it since they had all been close with the deceased human in their own way.

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