We Remember

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Your eyes are closed but you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the wind rustling your clothes. Curiosity blooms within and you carefully crack one eye open, wincing at the bright light above you.

The sun is out, but you had gone to bed.

Are you dreaming? This empty field with lush green grass and rocks that poke up from the ground is not one you remember ever seeing where you live, but there is something oddly familiar about it.

Nostalgia itches at your mind. You remember and yet you do not at the same time.

You stand up, the grass playfully tickling at your bare feet as you take the chance to further investigate the strange place you have found yourself in. Off in the distance you see what appears to be cliffs, and further to the right you notice bridges of land that connect one area to another.

Familiar, familiar, but there is some part of your mind that refuses to acknowledge this, the impossibility of it all.

There is a noise behind you, the sound of stone hitting something, and you spin around, confusion and fear rearing up in your heart. This new view offers you an interesting sight, there had been a building behind you. The structure is once again familiar, yet not. It is massive, towering, as tall as some of the buildings one might see in the heart of a city, but it is so much more than that.

There is an art to the way it has been constructed, you can see it in every arch and tower. The entire structure is open but enclosed, crafted so the light can reach wherever it can and leave little in darkness.

It dawns on you, this is not a regular building it is a shrine.

Suddenly pieces of the puzzle begin to connect in your mind even though you vehemently reject them, because there is no way that is true I'm dreaming I have to be dreaming-

You hear another noise, this one sounding more like a hiss a snake might make, or a lizard. Your eyes are forcefully drawn to the shrine once again, the Shrine of Worship, and you see rocks beginning to fall from higher up.

You lift your gaze.

"A tail trapped within a pail... a shadow that crawls on the walls."

The words resonate in your mind, bringing with them a sense of horror and this isn't real I'm dreaming please be dreaming-

Kuromori hisses once again.

The Colossus looks just like it, he, did in the game. Sharp glowing spikes protruding from his back, glowing limbs, a tail that looks like a fan, and a hideous face that makes your skin crawl. His eyes stare into you, radiating fury and hatred.

His orange eyes.

You run.

Even though you are bare foot you do not feel anything breaking open the soles of your feet, and it is almost like you are flying across the grass as you sprint away from Kuromori. Another aggravated hiss escapes the beast and you hear a horribly familiar sound.

He was going to attack.

You fling yourself to the side, this time feeling the hard ground and stones scratch against your body as you slide through the dirt, and gas erupts where you had just been. Dream or no you had to run.


You pick yourself up, not bothering to dust off the dirt that now clung to your clothing, and continue your sprint. Your goal is the narrow crevasse that led to the southern desert, the enclosed space would help to protect you from the lizard's attacks. Granted the distance was far, but you had to try.

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