Dating them includes (cast)

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-lots of hugs
-making weird youtube videos
-playing A LOT of video games
-(you winning some and him getting pissed)
-being a cute ass couple

-lots of kisses
-annoying people together
-live streaming
-watching him skate (and busting his ass)
-(it low key being adorable)
-cuddling and making jokes

-listening to him play his guitar
-hanging out with calpurnia
-movie nights
-videoing each others weirdness
- like Wyatt, being cute as hell

- LOTS of anime
- recreating anime scenes
-"babe let's do that" *points at cute anime scene*
-him being a soft little weaboo but also being very protective
- so much cuddling and movies
- being together always
-Him loving how creative you are

A/n: 💛 I love them so much they are my world FUCC OFF  OTHER GIRLS... sorry that was agressive heh💛

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