Alyssa & Warren

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I had been prepared to spend my day in bed. Netflix was up and ready to go on my TV and I had most of the contents of my food pantry spread out before me. The only thing that was missing was coffee and I was a bit fucking pissed because mom left over an hour ago to pick some up for me and she still was not home yet. So really I guess you could say I was semi-prepared.

My phone was shut off and my bedroom door was closed. I couldn't be bothered with any human companionship today because it was only yesterday that Seth left and let's be really I'm a bit fucking pissed about that too. Who does that? Leave in the middle of the school year? Leave all your friends behind? My god, Seth, selfish bastard.

I sigh and rip open a bag of skittles with my teeth while clicking the play button on the TV. Law and Order: SVU here I come.

In a criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered--

My head snapped to the side when I heard my door bell being pressed an obnoxious amount of times. I automatically knew who it was. I pressed pause and, with skittles in hand, made my way downstairs and to the front door.

I wasn't surprised when I opened the door to find Warren standing on my porch. Only he would ring a door bell more than once.

He was smiling that stupid little smile that made his stupid beautiful eyes crinkle at the corners in a way that made his stupid adorable face even more stupidly attractive. Stupid boy.

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he got any words out, I slammed the door shut and began walking back towards the stairs.

"Come on, Alyssa!" He had walked to the right of the door where a window just happened to be open. He had his face squished up against the screen and if I had had a cup of my morning coffee, I would have laughed at his squished nose, lips, and cheek. "Just walk with me for a little while. I'll buy you a coffee!"


So basically my plan of no human companionship today was blown to hell once Warren had mentioned coffee. So here I was, walking down the beach with coffee warming my hands and Warren with his hands shoved in his pockets.

My god, is it acceptable to just jump him? No, no Alyssa, no it's not. He brought another girl to the cookout the other night. He's over you.

I let out a loud sigh and drop to sit in the sand. Warren comes to a faltered stop, raises an eyebrow and then takes a seat beside me, resting his arms on his knees.

We were both silent for a while, watching as the waves crashed on and retreated from the shore.

"So," Warren starts. "What are we gunna do this summer, you know? Seth's gone. That kind of fucks up our plans."

I nod.

"How long do you think he'll stay in New York?"

I shrug.

"Have you talked to Kyla since yesterday? She doing okay?"

I shrug.

"Are you even going to talk to me? C'mon Alyssa, I bought you a coffee." He sends me that stupid smile again.

I look down at my coffee cup and rub at the back of my neck. "I was perfectly content with staying up in my room and doing nothing all day." I mean, mom would've gotten home with my coffee eventually.

"Then why did you even agree to come with me?"

Uh, because I can never say no to spending time with you? Or coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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