Arts and Crafts

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After eating a delicious breakfast I decided to look for something else to do. I'm not entirely sure on who that guy was, but he sure did seem nice. I hope I run into him again.

I continued to pace around the boat, in search of something to cure my horrible disease called 'boredom.' Luckily I seem to have found an old chalk board with a few things written along it.

"Archery; 11:30am, Arts and Crafts; 1:45pm, Book Club; 3:20pm"

"Well, it's already past 11:30pm for sure, so that leaves two options. Seeing that Arts and Crafts is sooner, I'll just go to that," I notice there was more, smaller, writing on the bottom.

"All activities are held in the cafeteria," I read aloud. I wonder around in search of a clock. Took forever, but I managed to finally find one! Apparently there was on in the cafeteria... who knew!

Obviously not me.

The clock read "13:30," again, WHY. WHY NOT JUST 1:30 PM??

Oh well, at least I know the time now. And thats all that matters, right? Right... sure...

-and just like that fifteen minutes is almost up and around twenty to thirty people are all in the cafeteria, patiently awaiting the topic of todays art and craft.

The leader of this activity told us what to do, and in short he said something about drawing what makes us happy.

I stand up to go grab a piece of paper, yet it seems like everyone has already crowded around the small wooden desk. I wait patiently for people to pass so I can get through. Right at that, the square headed man from earlier hands me a paper seeing that I was having trouble getting there.

I was too shocked at someone caring enough to grab one for me that I didn't even get to thank him. He had walked away too quickly. I felt kinda bad, but it made me feel really warm inside.

I'm still not too sure on who this guy is, but he sure does care about me.

I sit back down at one of the tables and grab a pencil that was neatly placed in the middle of the cafeteria table.

So were supposed to draw something that means something to us, hm? Well food makes me happy, but I'm not drawing food. Thats dumb. The square dude makes me happy, but I don't want him to know I'm drawing him...

So what makes me happy? I think on it for a bit and realise, *insert something that makes you happy here* makes me smile by just thinking about it!

I sketch down line after line trying to make it look even somewhat like the image in my head, but no avail. This drawing is hecking awful. bUT ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS RIGHT??

I attempt to fix it over and over, but slowly the cafeteria empties as one by one everyone finishes doodling and heads off.

I sit and continue to draw until I get so frustrated that I crumble it up and throw it into the trash. Maybe next time I'll have better luck  next time. Maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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