I walked over and opened it.


*Louis' POV*

Ugh hurry up and answer the damn door. I'm ready to get this shit over with.

The door opened revealing Harry in a towel.

Oh. My. God. He looks go-BAD.  I MEAN BAD. HE'S FUCKING UGLY.

I glanced down to his torso. It was flat and I could see a six pack start to make it way.  He had a tattoo of a butterfly on this stomach and two birds on his collarbone.

Harry with tattoos? Geez I thought he was a wimp...

"Ehem" he said clearing this throat.

I looked back to him.

His hair was damp and his cheeks were flushed.

If I was gay I'd think he look cute. But I'm not.

"Hey, Harry" I said. Wait, did I just say his name? Why did I just not insult him? What the hell...

"Um...hey" he scratched the back of his neck, his muscles flexing.

I scoffed and bumped passed him. "Okay put some damn clothes on, gayboy so we can start this shit."

Harry nodded and walked into a room, I'm guessing is the bathroom.

I sat down on his couch setting my Macbook down.

I looked around his flat. He has a nice place.

"Nice flat, gayboy. I'm pretty impressed..." I mumbled.

Harry came out not even a minute later. He grabbed his Macbook off his bed and trotted over to the couch. He sat by me, crossing his legs and turning to me.

"Kay where do you wanna start?"

"I don't know..."

Harry bit his lip and stared down to his laptop. My eyes shifted to his lips. They were so plump and pink.

"No wonder you're gay, I mean look at your lips" I laughed.

Harry frowned glancing at me. "Why were you looking at my lips anyway?"

My eyes bulged. Why was I looking at his lips? Ugh Louis get it together.

"I...I don't know..." I admitted.

"Kay..." Harry replied, furrowing his brows.

"Alright...well I'll just start searching for information about my writer, and you can do the same. In an hour we can discuss about what we found then start the powerpoint" I explained.

"Keynote" he said.


"Keynote is a lot better than powerpoint..."

"We're using powerpoint, I don't like keynote."

"Well I think we should use keynote. Powerpoint crashes a lot."

"Listen, fag we're using powerpoint! I'm not gonna argue with you."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever..."

We looked at our Macbooks and opened our browsers, starting our part for the project.


*Harry's POV*


My head snapped up to Louis who was laughing his ass off at something on his laptop. His eyes teary, cheeks flushing, nose scrunched up.

A smirk played on my lips watching him. I've seen him laugh before, but I've never seen his face this close. He's beautiful.

"W-what's so funny?"

Louis glared at me smiling, pulling his headphones out. "This vine..."

"Oh..." I replied looking back at my screen.


I looked back up at him with furrowed brows.

"Okay this is too fucking funny. I've watched this like seven times. Come look at this!"

My heart skipped a beat.

What? Does Louis seriously want me to look at a vine with him? Why? What the hell...

But that didn't stop me from getting up and kneeling down next to him looking at his laptop.

He played the vine and we both bursted out laughing, clutching our sides.

"Oh my-god, that's g-great!" I choked trying to breathe.

"I know right!" Louis chuckled looking over at me.

My breath hitched as he stared into my eyes with a smile, but his smile faded and his eyes grew wide. He coughed awkwardly looking back to his screen.

Okay awkward. 

"Okay what info have you found on your writer?" he asked.

"Um a lot actually. I have about three pages on Agatha."

"T-that's cool. I have about three on R.L."


"Um...I also know how uh, Agatha and R.L. are related...I mean they're not, but I know how they're connected for our closing paragraph..." Louis stammered.

I smiled a little. He's so cute...why is he stammering? Is he still freaked about what happened a minute ago?

"Okay tell me" I said putting my laptop down next to me.

"Okay well I looked up And Then There None, and saw that Agatha writes murder mystery-horror type kinda books" Louis said.

I nodded.

"Okay well R.L. writes mystery horror-thriller types story too...so that's how I think we can connect them..."

I nodded. "That's good, Louis."


"Um have you started writing your part of the paper?"


"Good me too..."

"Yeah" he said.

"Is that the only word you know?" I smirked.

"No. I also know shut up" he said, but I could tell the playful tone in his voice.

"That's two words."

"You know what else is two words?"

I smiled. "No, what?"

"Fuck you."

I laughed and shook my head.

"I'll pull up the powerpoint so we can start the poster board thing" he said.


Wow. Louis and I aren't arguing...this is something I can get used to...

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