Chapter 3- Dinner Surprise

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Hey guys sorry for taking sooo long to update it's my first book, so just nervous. And THANK YOU for more than 110 reads Love you all:)

MAHA! I was about to scream, but it is not my house, we're at a dinner so I had to control myself. She came up to me and said Salaam really sweetly, then I saw two guys come towards my family, and I they were nne other than Hussain and Shehry. I was starstruck I could barely breathe, I stood there looking like an idiot. I litterly just stared at them, espicially Hussain I couldn't get my eyes off of him. After he said Salaam to my parents and my brothers he turned to me and said Salaam, I quickly got out of the trance I was in and said Salaam back, he just looked at me and smiled and well I just smiled back. We all sat down in their living room and just started talking about random things like why we moved here and if we need any help moving in, so their family is coming over tomorrow to help us set up the house. Then aunty started asking me questions like how old I am, what i'm studying and ect. Throughout the whole time I started noticing something Hussain was looking at me, I tried avoiding eye contact but failed by then I was lost in his eyes. Just then Aunty called us for dinner, good thing or else me and Hussain would just be looking at each other the whole time. We had dinner and our mothers went to the kitchen to make chai for our dad's, so aunty told Shehry, Hussain, and Maha to go show us three the house and kind of "play" with us. So Kabir and Maha went into Maha's room to go play something, Shehry and Bhayia went into Shehry's room to go and play some video games. Me and Hussain were the only ones left, in the begining it was so akward but then Hussain was kind enough to break it...

Hussain: So uh do you want to go to the balcony and just you know talk.

Me: Um yeah sure.

Hussain: Ok, well let me show you where it is.

When we got there I couldn't get my eyes away from the sight, they had a beautiful pond in their backyard, so did we but it wasn't as beautiful as this.

Me: Wow, this is beautiful, the sunset must be great here

Hussain: yeah the sunset is pretty here, you should come over sometime to see it.

Me: yeah sure, definetly.

Just in a few minutes Hussain got to know everything about me and I got to know everything about him. We talked for I don't how long but it felt so good to know so much about him in such little time. Hey he even asked for my phone number and in exchange I got his number. My mom apprarently saw us talking and when she came in I saw a smirk on her face. She came call me downstairs and she said that we have to leave early because we have to wake up in the morning to set up the house. When me and Hussain came downstairs almost everyone started looking at us I wondered why, just then I had noticed how close he was to me. I could litterly feel his mascular chest against my body, I quickly took a step forward before I would start sweating in front of everyone. It took a while for everyone to stop staring but they eventually stopped, we said our salaams and went out the door and to our house. Everyone went up to their rooms and went to sleep, but I couldn't sleep at all. Why? Well I just kept on thinking about Hussain and then I got a text message from Hussain, WAIT WHAT HUSSAIN!!!

Hussain: Hey, sorry if i'm disturbing you but I can't sleep:(

Me: hahaha what a coincidence neither can I.

Hussain: Hey, do you mind coming to your balcony, and i'll come to mine.

Me: Yeah sure.

I had a balcony and across mine was another balcony, I was happy to find out that it was Hussain's. He came out the same time as me, it was kind of wierd in the begining because he was in a blue and yellow Nike tank top with blue pajama pants, I have to say he looked...HOT! like really I was litterly drooling, the tank really showed out his muscles and I could tell that there were abs under that tank. I however was in one of my brothers shirts(I don't know which one?)and in my favorite pajama pants, with my hair in a pony tail. I think I looked like an idiot, i mean I know I looked like an idiot. But it didn't stop him from staring at me. I waved a hi and he waved back, he put his hands on the rail and so did I.

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