Ch 13: Our Mission, Our Goal

Start from the beginning

She gave a small nod. "Eri...? What, are you..." I tried to ask.

"This is how it's always like. I'm sorry I ended up bothering you with all this. Again, sorry for the trouble." The two slowly faded into the shadows. "Good luck...on the job."

Izuku and I reached forward when I suddenly stopped ourselves. "We can't chase after them."

"You could see...the murderous intent he showed, in order to reel that kid back in. If we chase too far, it'll just make it harder to catch him. C'mon, let's respect Sir's orders."


3rd P.O.V.

Nighteye and Bubble Girl stood in an alleyway across a house with a tall fence and not a lot of windows. "You know, he may be small-time, but you gotta hand it to him--he really is a yakuza that knows how to survive. A tall fence, lotta windows...nice digs, huh?" Bubble Girl pointed out.

"A week and a half has passed since we began our mark. Today is unusual. Practically no one's coming in or out." Nighteye pointed out.

Bubble Girl's phone rang, and she picked it up, looking at a text Mirio sent her. "Whaa?!" She showed her phone to Nighteye. "Apparently Million...made contact with Chisaki!"


The whole group met up at a street corner, rain pouring down on the city. Mirio spoke up first. "I'm sorry! We had an incident! Never would've believed we'd end up bumping into each other on the street like he was the new transfer student or something...!"

"No, this was an error on my part. If I had endeavoured to see you three, I could've prevented it." Nighteye countered.

Bubble Girl replied, "In any case, I'm glad you're okay! If you'd made a wrong move and he'd gotten suspicious, it coulda been dicey back there."

"Actually, it wasn't all that scary," Izuku assured.

"Some days ago, a band of robbers on the run caused an accident with a truck that involved a few 'bystanders'. Those bystanders were Chisaki and the other Precepts. And yet, there were zero casualties." Nighteye declared. "The robbers reportedly passed out from excruciating pain, but for some reason were left with no wounds. On the contrary, even the various ailments they'd been suffering from, such as cavities or rheumatism, were completely cured. It's logical to think it's the work of Chisaki's Quirk, but nevertheless, since there were no injuries and the villains were apprehended, he ended up not committing any crimes in particular."

"But they say the stolen money got burnt to embers. The police just left it at that, but...they thought something's gotta be up, and so Nighteye's office started marking him." Bubble Girl noted. "I dunno what he's thinking, but he's definitely the type who doesn't play around."

Mirio called Nighteye. "Ah, almost forgot! Sir! Speaking of injuries, we've got some new intel! Chisaki's got a daughter!"

"Her name was Eri, she had bandages around her arms and legs..." I  began.

"She was completely terrified! I don't know what's going on...but she wanted to be saved...If there's any way we could protect her..." Izuku mentioned.

Nighteye turned around to face Izuku and pointed at him. "Don't be so arrogant."


"Too much haste will ruin your work. If you chase him prematurely, he'll only be able to slip away more easily. You are not so special that you can save anyone merely by wishing it so. At the moment, we're also making a request to team up with another office." Nighteye answered. "First we must predict what it is he wants to do. After we've made our analyses, we must make sure we are prepared beyond any doubt. The world is not so kind that you can save others through your will alone. 

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