It was almost three in the morning when they finally dug out six feet worth of earth, their movements having been so slow. Then Cas brought out a simple, wooden coffin from inside the Bunker. You'd once morbidly joked about its presence, and although Dean had chuckled under his breath at that time, there was certainly nothing remotely funny about it right now.

He couldn't stand watching Cas and Sam put you inside of the structure. He was afraid of seeing your eyes closed peacefully, and your arms so easily crossed on top of your stomach. He was afraid of looking at your form, so perfectly resembling a sleeping state. An eternal sleep.

Dean hadn't stayed outside after that, instead going inside and finding himself crashing into everything and drinking himself to sleep. The next morning he woke up and tentatively walking outside his room and hoping it had all been a dream. But the mess of destroyed glass and torn-up books in the library confirmed otherwise. You were gone.

A knock on the door suddenly made Dean snap his eyes open. He swallowed the knot in his throat as he pushed himself off the bed and ignored the pair of shoes on floor of the end of the bed. It was your favorite pair.

"Dean?" Sam's muffled voice came from the other side of the door, holding a small hint of worry.

"What?" Dean grumbled, pulling the door open to reveal his brother already dressed, concern etched on his features.

"Dean, it's already four," Sam said softly, his jaw clenching as he took in his brother's state. There were deep purple shadows under Dean's blood-shot eyes, and his skin was a sickly-pale color. " Dean...Y/N wouldn't want you to do this to yourself."

"Well we wouldn't know exactly what she would want, do we?" Dean said harshly, rolling his eyes. "I'm fine, Sam," he added before slamming the door shut.

Dean sighed heavily, putting his head in his hands and leaning against the door as he took in deep breaths to try to calm down. But his shoulders soon started to shake, tears rolling down his cheeks as he slid onto the floor. He felt his heart aching, craving the taste of your lips, the feel of your skin, the sound of your voice. He would do anything to have you back. Anything to be with you one more time.


Your small heels made a weirdly satisfying sound as you strolled confidently through the diner. Yet, you couldn't help the fast beat of your heart and the small trembling of your hands. Dean was sitting on the corner of the diner, his favorite booth, waiting for you to get off your shift.

On his lap was a small child, her hair messy and flying everywhere. She giggled as Dean tried to braid her hair, and suddenly her eyes caught yours and widened. The small girl stretched her arms towards you, and you gave her a big smile. Looking up, Dean's emerald eyes, filled with love and joy, caught your own and he smiled.

For a second, you almost forgot about the churning sensation in your stomach.

"Momma!" Yanet babble her tiny hands closing and opening as she tried to reach for you.

"Hey, Yanet!" you smiled, finally getting to the booth and happily taking her from Dean's lap. Dean stood up and gave you a small kiss. "How was your day, honey?"

"Awesome, we had fun didn't we, baby girl?" Dean cooed to Yanet, although she was busy playing with the hair band that Dean was going to use to braid her hair. Both of you smiled at the inattentive girl, you giving her forehead a kiss just as Dean placed an arm around your waist. "You ready to go?"


The ride home was pretty calm. The car that you'd gotten after being learning of your pregnancy with Yanet was filled with the soft sound of the radio playing and Yanet chattering incoherently to her dolls. One of your hands was masked by Dean's larger one, his thumb rubbing your skin as he drove.

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