Chapter two

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Alan paralled parked next to a bar on the strip, " I think they serve turkey burgers here" I glanced up at the name 'Miami's Garden' this looks like a potential vegan resturant

Alan stepped out the car and I followed behind him. When we walked in I realized why it was called Miami's Garden, on the outside it looks like your walking inside of a buliding, but get this, there is no inside!! There were trees, and flowers everywhere, this place would be a great spot to go on a date.

"how many" the host asked

"one" Alan said, I looked at him confused. "If we sit together in a place like this you'll think of it as a date. rain check darlin, were not dateing, im not buying. Im just hitting it"

Plastering a smile on my face I stared at him "Excuse me, who are you? Table for one please sir, and if possible as far from this strange man as possible" I added giving the host a look of concern, He looked at Alan disgusted who in return was stareing at me flabbergasted.

"yes ma'm," the host said, " If you would just follow me this way we have a lovely seat for you, I will make sure that the gentelman does not bother you, If you come across any problems with the him please alert us and we will have him escorted out." He handed me a menu " your waitress will be here in a minute to take your order, please enjoy your scenery" I nodded my head at the host and thanked him, slipping him a five dollar bill as he left

Hmmm... turkey burger, turkey burger, turkey burger. Within moments my waitress was at my table, her name was Alicia.

"What can i get for you good looking" I smiled at her, she was your girl next door kind of pretty with an alt vibe to her. She had a gold hoop on her left nostril and a large cross tattoo on her right arm. Blonde shoulder length hair with a whispy bang, large baby blue eyes, and a cute button nose.

"I'd like a turkey burger, tomatoe, no onions, ranch and a cesar salad"

"Okay," she said nodding her head, joting my order down in her eco friendly notepad "and what would you like to drink"

"A virgin Sherly Temple and can you put extra cherries in? I love cherries"

"Oh me too" She said with a wink, I giggled, I think I just found my entertainment for the night.

"One more thing," I said biting my lip and stareing her in her big blue eyes "You see that boy over there" I said pointing to Alan who was sitting on the other side of the resturant by the bathrooms, oh god could this get any better? "hes a friend of mine"

Alicia nodded her head, "yes babe what about him"

"Well you see my friend" I said "thinks that guy over there," I said  pointing to a guy in blue tights, and a yellow Marlyn Monroe tank top with black and pink converses "is incredibly cute, and he was a little too nervous to ask you to send a drink to that guy. So instead im doing it in his place"

"So one drink for the bleached blonde Marlyin Monroe fan, from the brown haired country boy? If he's your friend why isnt he sitting with you?"

"In a place like this?" I said holding my arms out for a bigger affect "it'll look like were dating, oh and one more thing, I'd like to cheer my friend up, I mean look at him" I said, once again pointing at Alan "Make sure the Marylin Monore fan knows just how intrested my friend is, create your best drink... something sweet and romantic."

"I know what you're up to babe, I'm on to you" She said with a smile "and i'll gladly help you out"

After Alicia delivered my order to the kitchen, she got behind the bar and began to work her magic. Creating the prettiest drink i've ever seen. It was too sweet. A pink color with a heart on a toothpick and flowers decorating the glass. She walked over the the Marlyin Monroe fan and smiled at him signeling that the drink was from Alan. This seemed to make Marlyin Monore's day because he took one sip of the drink his face lit up and he litterally sasshaed over to Alans table.

Marlyin Monroe sat down slowly next to Alan, who stared at Marlyin Monore confused. oh could this get anybetter... wait, yes, yes it can. Marylin Monore was a brave one, he linked his arm with Alans and laid his head on Alans shoulder. Running his fingers up and down Alans jaw bone.

Alicia came back with my turkey burger and Sherly Temple and looked over to Alans table. She bursted out in a fit of laughter with me following behind her. "Now what did that boy do to deserve that might I ask?"

"Oh, nothing. I just don't like him at the momment" I said shrugging my shoulders "Hey can is it possible to get ranch instead of blue cheese?" . Alicia nodded her head a went inside the kitchen, comming back out with my container of ranch and a burger. She sat down with me at my table and passed me the ranch.

"So you know my name, Whats yours?" She asked me nibbling on her burger

"Faye Gabriella Alexandra Nicole Carlisle" I pulled a cherry out of my drink

Alicia's eyes widden "Wow thats an insanely long name, is there a story behind it. What are you?"

"Ahhh, my mom couldnt decide what to name me so she gave me all of the in order from her favorite to her least favorite. Weird I know" Man this turkey burger is good.

"If she had a favorite why didnt she just give you that one?" I shurgged my shoulders

"No clue" I answered, I glanced over at Alan to see that Marylin Monroe was pratically in his lap. And Alan shooting me a death glare, he wiggled his phone in his left hand. My phone vibrated.

Alan: your dead.

I looked over at Alan and gave him my best puppy dog pout, shurgging my shoulders cluelessly

Alan: you know exactly what i'm talking about.

Gabriella: *You're

I struggeled to contain my laughter and smiled at Alan shurgging my shoulders once more. I turned my attention to Alicia and filled her in. Again she bursted into a fit of laughter. She was a pretty cool person. 19 years old she just graduated from high school and will be attending Miami U next semseter. She handed me my check and I handed her the money and a ten dollar tip for keeping me company.

"Hey" she said when I stood to leave, she handed me a sheet of paper "you should hit me up sometime" she said with a wink, I winked back and walked towards Alan who finally seemed to get rid of Marylin Monroe.

"Im going to kill you Gabriella"

"Ooo I love it when you talk dirty" I said licking my top lip, Alan tried to maintain his im pissed off look but ended up smiling at me in the end. He stood over me, "you owe me big time Gabriella"

"Just take me home forest"

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