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a/n - i'm almost completely changing the story so i'm sorry if you didn't want that x

"Oh, Y/n dear, your male-friend came by today to look for you. He said he left you a message on your answering machine but he wanted me to tell you to meet him at Chilton on-" Miss Patty recites, before my mom stops her.
"Wait, what Patty?" She asks, confused, and then looks to me.
"His name's Parker, Patty." I say shyly, "And he's not my boyfriend... just a friend friend." I laugh nervously.
"Ah, don't worry, my lips are sealed." Patty imitates locking her mouth shut.

We continue to walk along to Dosey's market, until a motorbike pulls up behind us.
"Take your shirt off!" The guy calls to my mother, and I roll my eyes, until the guy takes off his helmet.
"Dad!" Rory calls and runs up to him, and I just scoff quietly to myself. I've never got along with Christopher, for some reason he never liked me. Probably because I wasn't his daughter, I was Luke's - the man who stole my mother from him.
"Christopher?" Mom sighs, shaking her head and smiling to herself.
I elbow her lightly in the rib, "I'm going to Luke's, okay?" I say to her quietly.
"Oh crap... get me a coffee and I'll be there soon babe okay?" Mom kisses my cheek with an apologetic smile and I walk away to see my dad.


I enter the diner and slump down at the counter. Resting my head on the table, on top of my arm.
"What's up, kid?" Dad asks, pouring me a mug of coffee. "Where's your mom?"
I look up at glare at him, bored.
"With Rory's dad. He came by on some fricking motorcycle and made some failed joke, and-" I blabber, until Taylor Dosey comes up behind me.
"Rory's dad, eh? Here in Stars Hollow?" He begins pestering me with questions.
"Where is he? What's he like? How is Lorelai reacting to this?"
"SHUT THE HELL UP TAYLOR!" I wave my arms at him in frustration, and he shrinks back slightly.
"Keep your child under control, Luke!" He says sternly to my father, before strutting out of the door.
"Ignore him, Y/n/n. What do you mean, Christopher?" Dad puts the coffee mug down and leans down to my height.
"It's fine, Dad, just lay low so he doesn't kick your head in for stealing your girl." I smile and raise my eyebrows a little before sipping my coffee.
Then, the door swings open, and the last person who I thought I would ever see walk into my dad's diner walks in. Parker Dugray, with Tristan Dugray.
"Hey!" I smile, and Parker looks up at me.
"Hey, what's up?" He comes over and hugs me.
"Ah, so this is the girl you like!" Tristan hits his brother on the back.
"Rory Gilmore's sister, right?" Tristan asks.
"Yes, and she's not interested in you." I smile and Parker laughs.
"Want coffee?" I ask, and go behind the counter.
"Wow, didn't know Stars Hollow was such a tight-knit town. I mean, you can go behind the counter in diners." Tristan laughs.
"Well, you can't, but it's my dad's diner." I laugh, pouring two mugs of coffee and grabbing myself a donut.
"So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?" I ask, taking a bite of my donut.
"Well, just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out sometime, you know, like a date?" Parker asks shyly, and I blush bright red. These words are the last thing my dad wants to hear, especially as my family is known to be quite unlucky with love. He lifts his head from cleaning one of the tables near the window and listens in without any of us noticing.
"Uh, yeah, sure." I giggle a little.
"I'm not busy Sunday... my sister's dad's just come to town today and he'll be here for a few days... then it's my birthday Saturday but Sunday I can do." I smile to him.
"Sunday it is." He smiles. I decide to take a leap of faith, so I lean over the counter and kiss his cheek, making it his turn to blush. They leave the diner right as my mom walks in.
"Hey kiddo what did I miss?" She kisses my forehead before pecking Dad on the lips.
"She just got asked on her first date." Dad says protectively. Mom looks at me, and her jaw drops, soon becoming a grin. She rushes over to a table, dragging me with her.
"Tell me everything, and if you leave anything out our birthday is officially cancelled!" She squeals, and I laugh.
I tell her the story about how I met him after I panicked and ran away from Grandma and Grandpa's, and about the entire date-asking thing.
"Honey that's great! And it's the day after your birthday so it'll be so romantic! How old is he?" She ask, leaning forward in her seat.
"...Fourteen." I gush, and then giggle a little.
"Swoon! A little older, but not too old - I like it!"
"You're seriously encouraging this?" Dad comes over to our table.
"Um, yeah?! It's my baby's first date, why shouldn't I?" She asks, excitedly.
"That's all true, but remember that the Gilmore's are very unlucky with love." He reminds my mom of all of her relationships as a teenager where they always ended with her in tears by the end.
"True, but Rory's been with Dean for like a year now, so she should be fine!" She reassures us both.
"Anyway, I gotta go. Mrs Kim let River go out as far as the antiques sign, so I'm gonna go stand across the street and yell at her." I say excitedly.
"Okay, meet you back home hun." Mom calls as I leave the diner.
"Y/n! Look I'm standing in the yard!" River yells across the street, and I decide to cross over to the fence of Kim's Antiques.
"That's great, Riv! When do you think you're mom will let you come back to our house?" I ask cautiously.
"Hopefully only another few days. It's killing me staying here, you know." She sighs, and I give her a sympathetic smile.
We talk about everything that River's missed whilst being grounded for sneaking out, and I tell her all about my date.
"It's gonna be great!" She squeals, jumping up and down with excitement.
"River Kim! Get back inside now, your time is up!" Mrs Kim calls, and River retreats to her house.
"Bye Y/n." She says, sorrowfully.
"See you at school, Riv." I call, and walk back home.

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