Recovery: Noun

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"A return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength."


Recovery is different, but in essence its the same-

Returning what was lost to the living and the sane.

I can say it isn't easy but that would be a lie,

Because that's all we tell ourselves in these diluted states of mind.

Resisting and fighting while struggling to breath;

This is how you win- by refusing to concede.

I make it sound so easy and I know its truly not,

But you will never know unless you give it a single shot.

Drop the razors, trash your pills

Nothing beats pure power of will.

I know it's not so simple to give up your deathly mask,

But if you just look closer you'll see it works and that's a fact.

I see now my self-pity and it only made it worse,

Drowning in comforting words was my only curse.

I gave up my depression because I found a big obsession.

Purpose gives you reason and a good one to stand up and fight,

Don't stand down, never give up, brawl with all your might.

Anyone can make it if they just give it some time,

So thank you for your listening to my spirit lifting rhyme.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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