The big question

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Martin's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about the new bartender. She was cute but I noticed the way she kept glancing at the play area and I can't help but wonder if she's a little. When I asked her if she knew what a little was she nodded her head in a really cute and almost childish way.

But if she was a little she wouldn't have applied for the job. Littles don't tend to like working especially when they are in little space. Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong.

I could just ask her if she's a little. Its not like I'm going to fire her if she is but I'm not sure that bartending is a good idea for someone in the little community.

Lucy will be back in a few hours for her shift so I could just ask her bit not straight away. I'll observe her first before I jump to any conclusions. For all I know she could have been looking at the play area because she's never seen one indoors or maybe she was confused.

Come on Martin get your head out the clouds you have a lot of work to do before opening hours.

I shook my head and left my desk to have a walk around the club. I could see my best friend Michael with his little girl over by the play area.

"Uncy Marbin." Lissy ran over to me with her binki in her mouth and she jumped on me.

"Hey little Lissy. You having fun with daddy?" I picked her up and carried her back over to Michael who was smiling apologetically.

Lissy was babbling on about all the drawings she had did today and how daddy had brought her a new dress that was so sparkly.

"Sorry dude." Michael grinned as he took Lissy back. "Now Alyssa what did we say about jumping on people?" He said sternly.

"Not to do it." Lissy hung her head. "I sowy daddy." She lay her head on his shoulder and hurried her face in his chest.

"Its ok go on and play for a bit daddy and uncle Martin need to have a grown up talk. I'll come get you in a bit ok?" He put her on the floor and kissed her head as she ran off to play on the slide.

"Kids." Michael said and shrugged his shoulders even though Alyssa is actually 24.

"At least you have a little to take care of I'm still looking. You would have thought the owner of the little club and CEO of a company specifically for building places for littles would have his own." I shook my head and sighed.

"What about that cute bartender you hired earlier?" Michael said and I snapped my head up to him.

"What you talking about? Lucy isn't a little."

"Come on dude anyone could see that she was constantly looking at the play area plus when I went to pick Lissy up I saw your precious bartender sitting in her car sucking on a binki."

"Really? So she is a little?" I asked and I felt a wave of happiness crash over me.

"Yes she is. Now the big question is when are you going to ask her about it?"

"I don't know." I ran my hand through my hair. "Maybe tonight after her shift I could call her into my office and talk with her then. I just want to see how she handles working here first. If she really is a little then working around them has to put her in her little space eventually."

"True but is it wise for that to happen while she's working?" Michael rubbed his chin.

"We'll have to see." Just then Lissy came bounding up to us.

"Daddy come pway." She whined and grabbed Michael's hand dragging him to the play area.

"I'll talk later. Ok babygirl I'm coming." I chuckled at how much power Lissy seems to have over him.

I stood there for a few minutes watching Michael push Lissy on the swings and thinking about what he just told me. If Lucy was really sucking on a binki why wouldn't she tell me that she's a little in her interview.

I look at the time and decide to get some work done before opening time.


Its nearly the end of the night and I've been keeping a close eye on Lucy all night. She got changed into a cute black dress and her flats and I noticed that she has Minnie mouse on her black tights that she wore under her dress. Maybe she is a little.

Just as I was getting ready to close up there was a commotion in the play area and I saw one of the girl lying on the floor screaming and clutching her knee while a boy stood at the top of the slide laughing.

I rushed over as being the owner means I have to make sure no one gets hurt or I'll get sued. Her daddy was trying to calm her down while the boy's mommy was standing at the bottom of the slide ordering him to come down.

"Is she ok sir?" I asked and knelt down to check over her. She had a small graze on her knee.

"I believe so." He answered and lifted her onto his lap shushing her.

I called for someone to bring the first aid kit over and Lucy appeared next to me with the box. I was about to take it when she sat down beside the little and opened the box.

"Hey now its ok its just a graze." She said soothingly. "Here I'm going to clean it and put a bandaid onto it. Do you think you can be a brave girl while I do that?" The little nodded still sniffling as she leant against her daddy.

Lucy slowly dabbed at the girls knee and cleaned the wound before holding up the bandaids to her. "Here which one do you want? Finding nemo, tinker bell or paw patrol?"

"Inker ell." The girl said and giggled as Lucy put it on her knee.

"You've been a very good girl. Here have a sticker and I'm sure your daddy will look after you." I watched her put a good girl sticker on her top before closing the box. "You're a very lucky girl to have a daddy to take care of you. I wish I had a daddy just like you." Lucy smiled and looked at the girl's daddy. "She'll be ok in a few days."

"Thank you Miss." The man smiled and lifted his little up. "Come on angel let's get you home and in bed. You've been a very brave girl."

I followed Lucy back to the bar and she put the first aid kit away. She looked up at me and blushed as she looked down.

"Lucy would you come with me to my office I need to speak with you." I said and I watched her face fall. I didn't say anything as we walked to my office and I directed her to a seat shutting my door.

I sat behind my desk and I could see she was nervous and fidgety. "My friend Michael said he saw you after your interview with a binki. Is that true?" She nodded but said nothing and looked as if she was going to cry. "Back there you said you wished you had a daddy too."

Lucy didn't look up and she was swinging her legs playing with her fingers.

"Lucy look at me when I'm talking to you." I said sternly and she lifted her eyes up to mine. "Answer truthfully are you a little?"

She nodded and I was starting to get annoyed that she wasn't using her words. "Use your words." I said.

"Yes sir." She whispered she looked upset that she'd been found out. She looked down again.

"Would you like to be my little?" I asked and I could feel my heart hammering.


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