table for one (part one)

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table for one (part one)

Lulu is pissed because a) her name is Lulu and on Fabian’s lips it sounds like a song on a broken record b) her undersized heart has decided to double in size and now her chest aches and c) a certain person has discovered that Lulu Evanson actually has a heart and has decided to capitalize on that fact.

In other words, if the world ends tomorrow, she would gladly blame it on Fabian Fenwick.

Fabian Fenwick really isn’t anything special: he’s dumb, he smiles, and he might have amazingly nice hands. And Lulu just might have a certain respect for amazingly nice hands (hmph). This is how Fabian Fenwick went in the minds of The Rest of The World: One day, God smiled down on the world and instead of smiting flies, he created Fabian Fenwick and The Rest Is History. So Lulu is stuck with both flies and Fabian Fenwick, both of which she thinks she could do without.

“Lulu? Are ya’ listening?”

God why couldn’t he call her “Lu” like everyone else does? All right, maybe she only has about five friends, and maybe they’re the only ones who call her that, but Christ. He’s said her name at least fifty times already: Lululululululululululululu and she’s a bit over it. She wants to yell at him, “Yes, my parents named me Lulu! Don’t wear it out, idiot,” but she obviously can’t because Lulu Evanson doesn’t have a heart or any emotions at all, and it would be inappropriate to pretend otherwise.

God, being a bitch is so tiring.

“Ya’ there?” He’s looking at her with those leaf-green eyes that are so bright that they’re practically clear, contrasting beautifully with his dark skin. His eyebrows are knotted together as he peers at her, his head cocked to the side. All in all, Fabian Fenwick looks like a damn prince with his stupid eyes and dark, fluffy, perfect hair, and completely even skin tone that glows in the sun…

And hell he can’t properly pronounce “you,” this is grounds to completely hate him, Lulu thinks.

She glares at him. “Does it look like I’m not?” She actually hadn’t been listening because the roar of blood was so loud in her ears and she had been blatantly refusing to believe that she was blushing.

Lulu. Evanson. Doesn’t. Blush.

It is the cardinal rule of life, and cardinal rules of life aren’t to be ignored or messed with without serious consequence. Obviously, Lulu blames her trifling with this rule on one Fabian Fenwick. She also has no empathy for men as they are dumb and ridiculous (this is another cardinal rule) and disgustingly frilly at times. Well, Nathan Price is frilly with his ten thousand and one Nike products. Fabian Fenwick, on the other hand, is strong and princely

And dumb and stupid and frilly and not something Lulu Evanson would have a crush on. Ever. End of story.


Her eyebrows are threatening to merge with her eyelids and cover her eyes. “Yes?” she manages to grind out.

“Are you okay? Your cheeks are kinda red.”

He’s grinning.


dumb.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant