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I have been told that my laughing began since my infantile,

At things of which I couldn’t even make a head and tail.

It always felt good both in company or alone,

And made me look at people as one of my own.

But as I grew up, it was looked upon heinously,

As I was expected to look at things more seriously.

I wondered what about it made people annoy,

For laughter is afterall an expression of joy!

But right they were, as it made me lose focus

For the task intended upon, other things had to seem bogus

Strangely, in the lives of some great focussed minds

I have seen that laughter was something that they didn’t mind.

For they felt working joyous, laughing was sane

It then seemed obvious, for the sound of a thunder cannot disturb a rain

It then occurred to me that laughter may be a noise,

And it is upto me to mould it into the music of my choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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