Fuck da police! Well. . . The FBI

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_____Gavin's p.o.v___

After a nice hot cup of coffee( which took a while of arguing with the plastic ass saying that I would rather kill myself than drink decaf), we got into my car and drove to the crime scene. Hank was already there with Connor.
          "Well shit, is that Defective Reed with an android?! " I roll my eyes,
          " Fuck off old man, " I look at Connor,
          "So plasti- I mean Connor, what do we have here? " Even though he is a robot, it's still discrimination and I don't want to lose my job over some shitty insult.  Connor was about to tell me when Hank interrupted,
         " Two Bros, chillin on some tables," I smile and sing along with Hank, cause even though he's an alpha he's not that bad of a guy(but don't tell him that) .
       " Five feet apart, cause they're not gay." Connor and Nines give both of us the most disappointed looks,
        "Detective this is a crime
scene," and almost immediately after, me and Hank both say,
        " Is this the murder weapon? Then get off my dick!" We are both laughing so hard, we don't even realize that the other officers around us are giving disgusted looks. Connor pipes up and says,
        " You both are terrible, anyway, what I was trying to say is that after some analysis me and Nines confirm that one body is an omega android and the other is an alpha android, both appear to be females. " Wow I've never seen an alpha female, well. . .  Android alpha female.
       "So what's the cause of death? " Hank grumbles, but before Connor answers Nines is already explaining everything,
       " Blood splatter indicates that both we're originally killed execution style by being shot in the head, but they were then moved to the tables and posed to look like they died in a flower garden." Nines was right, each girl was surrounded and covered in flowers. It had a sort of beauty to it, in a disgusting type of way. Their hairs were spread out as if they were the stems of the flowers, one girl had bright colored carnations and roses covering her body while the other had more darker colored flowers like violets and larkspurs. This is really strange, but I turn my attention back to Nines,
         " The killer is a 6'0 male who, " Oh god that's gross, if you haven't figured it out he's licking the blood off the floor,
        " . . . is an alpha. It seems like these two androids put up quite the fight with there murderer, but unfortunately were not strong enough. " My time to shine,
        " So. . .  Is the blood a match to anyone in the database? Anyone's records match this type of killing? " Nines thinks for a moment, his Mood ring flashes blue a few times, he finally speaks.
       " There is nobody in the system, but there are 2 other cases that happened exactly like this one. They took place around 2 years ago and the killer was never caught." I think for a moment and finally remember,
      " Oh fuck, I remember those-" But before I finish, that asshole agent Perkins walks in like he just solved the fuckin murder.
     "What the fuck is this cocksucker doing here? " The voice wasn't from Hank but from Connor, which caught the three of us by surprise.
     "Hello Lieutenant, detective. . .  Droids, I see you have stumbled upon the gardener's murder. You do realize this is the gardener's murder, right? " Wow this dude got some balls with that big of a shit eating grin, Hank opens his mouth,
     " Well, nice to see your face isn't so fucked up. " You can tell the agent is loosing his patience,
     " Well, lieutenant, it seems that the FBI is taking over the case and that means you have to listen to what I tell
you. " He jabs his index finger into Hank's shoulder, they are both extremely pissed and the scents are making me nervous. Good thing Nines is here,
      " Sorry agent Perkins, we were not aware of the jurisdiction you have over the case and we will do everything you would like us to do. " With a huff, Perkins walks away. The morning hasn't even ended yet and shits getting real.

Hey author here again, I would like to say thank you for liking the story and sorry for being gone so long. Anyway I would like two say I need 4 people,  2 from wattpad and 2 from Archives of our own. If you want to be in my story or your oc, just explain what you look like, your personality, if your an alpha, beta, or an omega,  and if you're an android or human. That's all I have to say,  good bye~~~~~

I Was So Alone Before I met You (a Gavin x rk900 fic)Where stories live. Discover now