Out of Place

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Authoress' Notes: Welcome back to this experimental story of sorts. Yeah, the prologue was short—that was just to gage if people like the idea of where this thing is going since I tend to be the type that rather see if an idea's worth reading before posting the whole thing all at once.

Now that I have that out of the way, we can finally get to the meat of the story so to speak and find out where this is going. I will admit: I had to do research on what kids learned in kindergarten 'cause it's been forever since I last learned that kind of stuff. I hope no one's against me putting in some interesting punishment systems or anything like that since our Dawn is not the model student she should be.

I will admit I am also borrowing a bit from my childhood, but I am twisting it ever so slightly for plot-related purposes.

As I write these next chapters, I will be going through Dawn's childhood a bit so people understand her struggles as she matures into a young adult.

~Chibi Mirai Gogeta

Dawn of the Hunter

Chapter 1-Out of Place

A child's innocent giggles as the chickens ran from her in fright echoed across the barnyard. Six-year old Dawn Nickels grinned broadly in the morning sunlight as her father John shook his head at his daughter's antics. He had tried a year ago to teach his daughter how to tend to the chickens, but any time she tried to feed them, they would run back into their little white hutch and cower in fear.

"Dawn, why don't you go inside and help ma in the kitchen?" John called out to his little girl. The long pigtails that the girl had flying in the breeze fell upon the young girl's back as she turned lovingly to her father and grinned toothily at him.

"Okay!" Dawn climbed over the white double-beamed fence and ran towards the farm house. Her mouth watered as she smelled the sausage sizzling in the griddle. Her parents seemed not to mind that she was not doing her share of the farm work outside since the animals seemed intimidated by her for some reason.

The porch door swung open as Dawn went to the kitchen and saw her mother Mary pull the rolls out of the oven. The woman had her hair tied back as she smiled warmly at her young child.

"Little light, mind setting the table for me?" Mary asked as she pulled the plates out of the cabinet.

"Not at all ma," Dawn picked up the plates and ran to the dining room.

"Don't run in the house," Mary reminded her daughter as the young girl slowed down to a walk and started setting the table. Silverware clinked against the table and Dawn looked at her backpack sitting in front of the door.

It was her first day of school, and for some reason, she felt a bit terrified at the prospect of going somewhere without her parents. Most times, she stuck by their sides whenever they would go on errands. She had seen other kids her age but did not like them for some reason. Would she like going to school with other kids her age?

Turning back to the kitchen, Dawn saw her mother carrying out the frying pan of eggs to the table. With a grin, the girl helped her mother by carrying out the biscuits and pancakes. By the time they finished setting the table, John walked into the house, the screen door closing behind his tall frame.

"Well now, reckon it's time to eat," John told the ladies as Dawn eagerly pulled out the chair to the table.

Mary served her daughter and husband before taking what was left of the scrambled eggs from the frying pan. Dawn ate at a rather fast pace, her stomach growling in protest of the hunger gnawing at her gut. It was almost though she was afraid that the food would disappear if she did not eat it fast enough. She released the utensils and began stuffing her mouth with her hands.

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