Boxes, Boxes- and you guessed it! Boxes.

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A/N this story was moved from another account to this one, however you most likely wont recognize it because it was a quick move.

"Huff, I'm finally done!" I shout once dropping the last moving box onto the pile.

I recently moved to a place called "Friendship Kingdom"- well uh, thats not what it's actually called, but thats what everyone calls it... so... good enough, right?

Making friends is what you are supposed to do when you move to an foreign place, right? Well good thing I'm bad with people! Honestly, it's probably easier to try and not get attached to anyone, who knows how long until I move again!

Just as I go to start moving the boxes to their designated areas, I hear a knock at my door. Who on earth could that be? No one even knows I live here yet, do they?

I walk over to the door and swing it open, catching the star-headed man off guard as he went to knock again.

"Ah, eh- Hi! I've heard you're new here, so I thought I would stop by and tell you about the adventure!" He excitingly chirped.

"Adventure?" I echoed.

"Yeah!! Every week Hatty Hattington sets up plans for a new adventure aboard the famous S.S. Friendship! He always makes it a blast!" He did a small happy dance while explaining.

Boy this guy sure does love this Hatty dude, "Oh uh, I'll think about it"

"Okay!! Well if you plan to go make sure to go to the dock tomorrow at noon- OH and bring loads, I heard it's going to be a long one this time!" He finished speaking and skipped off to an unknown direction. I close the door and turn to my boxes.

"This is going to take a while..." I say to myself.

For the whole rest of the day I unpack box after box, putting everything away where it now belongs. Towels in the bathroom, clothes in the closet, etc, etc.

Sitting down on my newly sheeted bed, I decide to think about the day. Then I remembered the star man, well more so what he was talking about. Maybe an adventure wouldn't be such a bad idea, it would give me something to do. Well.. other than unpack a million and one boxes, although thats still on the to-do list.

I remember grabbing a small bag out of one of the boxes, but I can't remember where I put it for the life of me!

Yawning, I decide it would be better to sleep and stop thinking about it. Thats a tomorrow me problem after all.

A/N Oof! I hope you lot like it :,) This is probably p rubbish, but it could have been worse! I guess,,
Anyways, lets hope I don't get bored of BBT again anytime soon bc I have a few plans for this! But I mean,,, ¯\_()_/¯

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