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(Caroline's P.O.V.)

Since peyton was so stern on not having a birthday party me and Alex did a small gathering of just us three

Alex mainly did all the work while I took her out shopping

We got her a small cake and some balloons just so she would feel a  bit special

"I'll go and get her" I got really excited but I couldnt show it when I stepped out of the door

Once I stepped outside I waved for her to come to the front door

"Can you close your eyes for a second?" I asked

She grew suspicious

"If this is what I think it is I'm going to kill you" she sounded like she ment it

I just laughed it off while covering her eyes so she didnt peek

"Okay almost there" walking In the dark was much harder than i thought

Once we where inside I closed the door behind us while alex began to light the candles

"You can look now" my hands left her eyes and I saw as she opened them how happy she was

"This works, I like this just the three of us. This has to be the best birthday by far" she ran up to me and alex and basically squeezed us to death

"Blow out the candles birthday girl" Alex mumbled

Peyton did what he asked and we turned the lights back on

"So what did you wish for?" My hand reached for her shoulder

"I cant tell you or else it wont come true" she rolled her eyes jokingly

I let out a small laugh while I walked over to the kitchen getting the paper plates

"Hey did anyone check the mail today?" Alex asked

Me and peyton both shook our heads

"I can check you two just eat some cake" I gave alex the plates and left to go to the mailbox

As I reached in I could feel some letters but i didnt think to check them

So when I walked in I handed them to peyton and let her go threw it

I made my way over the the cake and cut myself a slice, once I made my way back to the couch where peyton and alex were

They got real quiet

"What's going on?" I set my plate down and moved my body closer to them

"Oh nothing.. just some junk mail that's all" peyton told me while shoving the mail behind her back

That's when I knew something was off but it was her day so I wasnt going to pick a fight

"Hey do you guys care if I crash here just for tonight?" I asked

They both nodded their head before continuing to eat their cake

(Ethans P.O.V.)

"She hasn't texted us or even tried to call.." grayson and me sat in the filming room about to record until we realized that it was peytons birthday tomorrow

Grayson stood by the camera trying to set it up

"Look we tried to send her a letter maybe she hasn't gotten it yet okay. But you need to just move on from her, she made it clear she didnt want anything to do with us" he flopped back onto the couch

I huffed out a small breath of air before saying another word

"Look we fucked up first and we hurt her, maybe she wants us to talk to her but doesnt want it to be obvious" my head began to spin with all of these different what if's and other things

"Dude. No just stop okay" grayson stood up leaving the room

I sat there looking at his phone that was on the side table next to the camera

So I decided to get snoopy and read some of his things

Right away i went to his messages with peyton and realized he had a text that he hasn't sent out to her

But it seemed like he wanted to send it


I miss you... please come back, ethan and I are not the same without you and I understood that we hurt you but we promise things will change
We just need you back here..
I need you back here
You were my one and only that I didnt want to let go
Please... I love you..

My face began to heat up with anger, how could my brother tell the girl that I loved that he loves her

I set the phone back down and left go go jog it off and blow off steam

(Peyton's P.O.V. )

After we all watched some movies and relaxed alex and caroline fell asleep leaving me alone

I tried to sneak around them to get to the stairs and go to my room

Finally I made it and closed my door so that way they didnt know what I was doing

My heart began to race as i pulled out the letter from ethan and grayson

I stared at it not know if I should read it or just throw it away

But something in me was telling me to read it but I didnt know if I should listen to it

So I sat it up by my lamp and i watched it waiting for a sign that i should be reading it

Nothing happened which ment maybe i was supposed to read it

"Here we go" I whispered to myself while I began to open the letter and I began to read it

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