Chapter 2

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End of class and I rushed out before everyone made a run for the door, until I was stopped by Ms Perry. "Jasey I need to speak to you" she announced and I groaned as I rolled my eyes. I turned on my heels and walked towards her desk and she was putting together her papers. "Yes Ms Perry" I said with a sigh and she gave a small smile, "you seem to have the highest grades in your classes and I had a favour to ask" she said and I rolled my eyes. "What is it?" I asked and she handed me a paper, I looked at the paper seeing it had a series of marks on it. "I want you to consider tutoring" she said, "well that depends who am I tutoring?" I asked and she opened up her roll. "Toby Ferris" and my heart went straight to my stomach, "no" I said handing her back the paper.

"Please Jasey you're a top student and he's failing" she said and I shook my head, "no I'm not tutoring someone who isn't willing to try and put me in detention" I said and she pushed the paper back in front of me. " you don't know that he isn't willing to try" I said and she sighed. "But if he doesn't pass he's kicked out" she said and I scoffed, "that sounds better than tutoring him" I said and she glared at me. "If you tutor him I'll give you extra marks towards your scholarship and I'll take away your detention slip" she said and my eyes widened, damnit I needed those points and I didn't want a slip on my record. "Fine I'll do it" I said folding my arms, and she smiled. "Great" she answered as she signed some papers and printed a few more. "She handed me a price of paper with subjects on it and then my phone buzzed, she emailed me and Toby letting us know about tutoring. "Is that all Ms Perry?" I asked and she nodded, "You're free to go" she said and with that I left the room.

Later that day I was upstairs in the library waiting for Toby it was 4pm, I had a feeling he wasn't gonna show. I opened my books and did some of my own homework while I waited for him to show up, "hello beautiful" a familiar voice spoke and I looked up to see Toby. He took a seat and I placed my homework to the side, "What are you working on today?" I asked and he shrugged. "Pass me your book" I said and he slid it across the table. "What are you listening to?" He asked and I didn't realise I still had one earphone in my ear, "The Rock Show by Blink 182" I said and he nodded. I looked through his notes and saw nothing, "should've guessed you never take notes" I said and he rolled his eyes at me. "Sorry smarty" he said and I slid his book across the table back to him.

I put my glasses on and I could feel him staring at me, "what?" I asked as I looked up. "You look cute with glasses on" he said and I rolled my eyes at him, "kinda hot" he said and I looked at him annoyed. "Alright listen here idiot quit the flirting before I kick my foot up your behind" I threatened and he smirked, I was about to say something else when an annoying high pitched voice spoke and I knew exactly who it was. Stella the annoying whore of the school, I swear to god can this bitch please go and I don't know find a new bed buddy. She has hundreds with a new guy each week and yet she's still after Toby, who knows if he's slept with her.

"Toby!" She squeaked as she came around and sat on his lap, I threw up a little at the site. "Why are you with this loser" she said as she pointed at me, I rolled my eyes and pushed the bridge of my glasses up with my middle finger hoping the bitch would notice the gesture. Toby didn't look like he'd be telling her to leave anytime soon so I continued to finish my homework until she left. "No Stella can't you see I'm spending time with my girlfriend" I heard Toby say and my head snapped up at the mention of girlfriend. "Your dating her that nerdy weirdo" Stella retaliated, "that isn't nice now can you leave" he demanded and off she went walking on her toes.

I leaned over the table and glared at Toby and he just looked at me like he didn't know what was going on. "In your wildest dreams" I said and he caught on at why I was glaring at him, "take it as a compliment" he said and I folded my arms and leaned away. "You'd so date me" he said with a laugh and I rolled my eyes at him, "yea no because you'd be looking at the leggy blondes who are tall and have the nice assess and big boobs" I scoffed. "I would not" he said as he raised his hands in defence and I rolled my eyes at him, "oh really then do you wanna explain your ex girlfriend Lauren McGowan" I said snickering. He went silent and I got back to work which I soon gave up and just packed away my books, "where are you going?" He asked as he watched me pack my stuff away. "Home" I said and he looked at me slightly confused, "but we've only been here for 5 minutes" he said. "Yea 300 seconds" I said and he rolled his eyes at me, "that's a long enough time to spend time with a jerk like you" I said before leaving the library and heading home.

I got home and made my way to my room and blasted Good Charlotte's Last night on my speaker. "I feel my head still spinning but I'm doing alright because I think I just had the best night of my life" I sang as I went to the fridge and severed myself a glass of bourbon and coke, now I know what you all maybe thinking isn't that underage drinking. Well not if your parent doesn't know and you hardly drink, I served myself a glass and leaned up against the kitchen bench enjoying my drink. As I danced around like a fool and drank my drink soon serving myself a second glass, getting drunk wasn't the plan tonight. Who cares Mum's out at some work conference for the whole week in Melbourne while Dad's up in Cairns for a few days with something to do with work as well.

I got home and made my way to my room and blasted Good Charlotte's Last night on my speaker. "I feel my head still spinning but I'm doing alright because I think I just had the best night of my life" I sang as I went to the fridge and severed myself a glass of bourbon and coke, now I know what you all maybe thinking isn't that underage drinking. Well not if your parent doesn't know and you hardly drink, I served myself a glass and leaned up against the kitchen bench enjoying my drink. As I danced around like a fool and drank my drink soon serving myself a second glass, getting drunk wasn't the plan tonight. Who cares Mum's out at some work conference for the whole week in Melbourne while Dad's up in Cairns for a few days with something to do with work as well. 

I can't believe Toby and how stupid he is like seriously why would you call me your girlfriend. I finished the last of the bourbon and coke before taking out the white rum from the cabinet, forget homework I'll be drinking myself to sleep tonight and probably be too hung over to go to school in the morning. Whatever besides least that will happen will people making the comment maybe she finally killed herself. The music stopped and then switched songs now playing Drown by Bring me the Horizon. I downed a shot glass of white rum and sat down on the kitchen floor holding the glass in my hand with the bottle of rum on the floor beside me.

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