Chapter 2: we're just friends

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**Peridot's POV**

The first day of college was an exciting one. I bumped into my dorm mate, Lapis, and oh. My. Stars was she beautiful. The day i met her, she was wearing a black crop top with the words 'water witch' written on it in big white letters, along with black leggings with blue velcro shoes. All of her hair was dyed blue, which I thought looked amazing. I could instantly tell she loved the color blue. She had only a few touches of makeup on. A little maskera, concealer, and eye liner which I loved considering how much makeup most of the girls on campus put on. She had beautiful ocean blue eyes which i could stare into forever. She was beautiful from head to toe. That day, we got to know each other really well. We had alot in common. She and I loved the same bands like Papa Roach, Three Days Grace, Skillet, and basically all of the really emo bands out there. I learned that Lapis was also gay. Though, i could tell it was a touchy subject to her becuase it took her a while to answer if she was gay or not when i asked her. I assume something happened to her in her past, i wanted to know, but i didn't ask just in case i made her upset. We have been friends since that day. But this whole time, i haven't seen her leave the dorm except for classes. I knew she didn't have any friends besides me, so i was gonna introduce her to my other friends, Amethyst, Garnet, Ruby, Saphire, Pearl, and Steven.

"hey Lapis?"
"yes Peridot?"
"i was thinking, maybe it would be cool if you met my other friends and get out of this dorm for a little while?"
She just looked at me, in a bit of shock. I waited about a minute before she answered.
"um.. Er... i suppose."
"yay! You're gonna love them, trust me."
"whatever you say."
She didn't seem too thrilled. But i knew she'd thank me later.
She went and changed into something more presentable. She wore a plain black shirt, some skinny jeans, and the same blue velcro shoes.
"im ready."
"alright, lets go!" i chirped.
I had already called them to meet up at a restaurant called Fish Stew Pizza. We walked outside the building to my car. I got in the drivers seat, while she got in the passenger's. I started up the car, and drove to the restaurant. It was silent for the most part. About 10 minutes into the ride, she broke the silence.
"where are we going?" Lapis asked.
"a restaurant."
"which rest-"
"we're here."
I parked my car next to a purple corvette, which belonged to Amethyst.
I got out of the car and Lapis soon did the same. We entered the building and the gang walked up to us.
"hey guys!" i cooed.
"HEY P-DOT!" Amethyst screamed obnoxiously. Pearl hit the back of Amethyst's head.
"lower your voice!"
"okay! Jeez P."
"heh.. Guys, i'd like you all to meet Lapis." i took a step aside, giving Lapis her chance to speak.
"hello." she gave a little wave.
Amethyst had a wide smirk across her face.
"what's that face?" i questioned Amethyst.
"oh nothing." she then looked at me, then Lapis with that smirk still glued to her face. I gave her the 'tell-me-or-im-gonna-kill-you' face.
"you two would make a cute couple." Amethyst blurted.
I blushed madly. I looked over to see Lapis blushing as well.
"wha- we've only been friends for a few weeks!"
"i ship it." Ruby said out loud.
"Ruby!! You too?!"
"heheh." Ruby and Amethyst laughed evily in unison. Garnet just gave a thumbs up.
At this point, me and Lapis's faces were as red as a cherry. Pearl smacked the back of both their heads.
"stop teasing them!"
"ow! You take the fun out of everything, P."
"sorry for the bad first impression, Lapis.. Thats Pearl, Garnet, Ruby, and Saphire." i pointed at everyone as i said their name.
"i-its okay..." she said weakly, and embarrassed.
"so, Lappy, what's your favorite color?" Amethsyt asked.
"a nickname. She gives everyone a nickname if she can think of one." i explained.
"i see." she looked back at Amethyst.
"my hair should answer your question."
Amethyst snickered.
"blue, huh? Cool, dude."
Lapis nodded.
"so are you gay like Peridot?"
"AMETHYST!!!" I screamed at her.
She flew her hands up.
"what?? I was just curious!"
I gave her a death glare.
"i am." Lapis blurted.
We all looked at her in a bit of shock. None of us expected her to answer. Especially me.
"haha! Now i can give you guys your ship name!"
"no Amethyst. We're just friends."
"ugh fine. But i still think you two would be cute together."
Lapis was saying nothing to this. I was about to smack Amethyst when Steven came into the room with pizza.
"hey guys! I got the pizz...a.. Lapis?!"
Lapis turned her head to Steven.
"S-steven??" she ran towards him and gave him a big hug. Steven dropped the plate of pizza and hugged back.
"you know Lapis, Steven?"
"yeah! She's my best friend."
Lapis pulled away from the hug to look at me.
"Steven was my only friend, where i used to live. I think this is the closest Fish Stew Pizza to where our neighbor hood is. We sometimes would come here together and just be best buds." Lapis explained.
Steven nodded.
"huh.. Cool." i said, not really knowing what to say.
"lapidot." Amethyst blurted.
Me and Lapis looked at Amethyst.
"your ship name. Lapis. Peridot. Lapidot."
I face palmed the same time Lapis did.
"Do you ever give up??" Lapis and I said in unison.
We both blushed and looked at each other.
"jinx!" we said.
"knockout jinx!" we rose our voices.
"GAH!" we were both flustered and embarrassed. Everyone started laughing.
"its not funny!" we said.
We looked at each other.
"SHUT UP!" we said again.
Everyone just laughed even harder. Amethyst was taking a video and crying laughing.
Lapis started to laugh, and then fell over, laughing. Her laugh was so cute. "haha! *snort*"
Lapis stopped laughing, realizing she snorted.
"oh my gosh! You just snort! That was so cute!" i said out loud.
Lapis looked over at me with shock in her eyes.
"I-i mean!! Um!" i couldn't save myself. If i said i was kidding it probably would have offended her. If i stayed quiet, i'd be okay.. Maybe.
I took the path to stay quiet.
"I GOT THAT ON VIDEO!" exclaimed Amethyst. Lapis's face was literally red. So was mine. "okay i think we'll take our leave now, haha bye!!" i grabbed Lapis's hand and lead her to the car. We got in and i drove back to our dorm.
The whole ride was conversation-less. My palms were sweaty, and i was gripping the steering wheel extremely tight. When we got back to our dorm, we didn't speak to each other for hours. I watched Camp Pining Hearts, while Lapis was on her phone. Lapis then broke the silence.

"you really think it was cute?"

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