•|Having a Badboy (14)|•

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"And I can fight" I said while sitting down on the matts , Adam looks over at me for a quick second and goes back to his bag.

"Sorry to brake it to you, but no you can't." he said while putting white tape around his knuckles and all around his hand.

"Yes; I can we'll mentally" I said while pointing to my brain and smiling

"Babe you need brains to fight , and we'll your brain isn't train" he said shrugging his shoulders softly

"Ugh, fine but why now?." I said

"Umm just to- let's just get started" he said not answering my question

"Up , Up" he said while grabbing my hand and yanking me up with full force making me giggle

"I'm up" I said putting my hands up

"Ok babe put your hands in a punching position?." then I put my hands in the position , he shakes his head .

"No don't put your thumb there and if you do your gonna brake your fingers." he said while taking my thumb out and placing it over my knuckles

"Ok , now what ?." he came behind me and put my legs in position while I looked down at him moving my legs further away from each other.

"Remember that's how you put your legs when you fight ,okay." he said while looking at me , I quickly nodded my head

"Yes sir." i said while I saluted him , he gave me a slanted smile while shaking his head

"Ok we'll this is my secret when you're punching a bag , let all your anger in those punch and just think of the people that you hate.." he said while looking dead in my eyes

"Got it." I brought my hand up how I see people do when they fight but I quickly stop when he shakes his head.

"No." Adam said he grabbed my hand and brought it higher

"And when your about to punch breathe out; for example when your about to fight you have to breathe out because if your opponent punched you in your stomach they blew all your air out." he said, I quickly nod my head

Breathing out and placing my legs where their suppose to be and lifting my hand up high and thinking about the people in my 6 grade class who made fun of me and making my middle school experience a living hell.

Quickly aiming my hand and punching the bag , dropping my hands and looking over to Adam

"How was that?" i questioned

"It was okay , not the best" rolling my eyes at his answer and quickly punching his right shoulder making him laugh.

"Now that was a good punch." He said while grinning making me roll my eyes at him



"Oh my gosh !, Adam am I done yet?." I said while trying to catch my heavy breath and trying to gain it back to normal

"No babe ; you just got started" he said while drink his bottle water and dropping it to the floor

"Adam.." I whined

"Fine these last punches only" he led out making me smile



"But put all your anger in that punch., make me feel satisfied." I nodded and looked at the punching bag.

Putting my legs back to where there suppose to be at and looking at the bag tiredly, building all my anger up and throwing my left hand to the bag giving all my energy to this punch, once my hand connects with the bag a loud echo crossed the room.

Having A BadBoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin