02 ☆ jenny steller

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» full name: jenny mun-steller

» name origin: english; it is a feminine form of the biblical name, john, but is a popular name for korean-american girls.

» name meaning: 'God has been gracious'

» age: nineteen

» birthday: january 22

» zodiac: aquarius

» birthstone: garnet

» birth place: a brooklyn hospital at 2:37 AM; jenny's birth was much smoother than park's, but hers did take longer.

» religion: agnostic

» nationality: american

» ethnicity: korean american

» species: human

» language(s): english, korean

» gender: female

» pronouns: she/her/hers



» body: she has a dancers body, with tone, leaned muscle and a tall, thin frame

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» body: she has a dancers body, with tone, leaned muscle and a tall, thin frame.

» height: 5'5" (165 cm)

» weight: 119 pounds

» face: she has a round face, but it is thinner than her brothers and her nose is thinner; she has her mothers eyes and her father's smile.

» body language: jenny has fantastic posture, and the way she stands and carries herself gives off an air of strength and confidence.

» notable features: jenny has incredibly long black hair; it reaches below her butt, because she hasn't cut more than an inch off of it in years (she gets it regularly trimmed, of course).

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