After a minute we finally pull away, out of breath. Hayley rests her forehead on mine.

"That was everything." She says cheerfully. I smile and peck her lips.

Out of nowhere I hear a door slam. I turn around to see Kehlani and some girl I've never seen before drive off in a truck. Kehlani never takes her eyes off me as she drives off.

I huff before laying my head on Hayley's chest.

"What's wrong?" She asks stroking my hair.

"I'm in a weird spot with Kehlani. She keeps acting weird and jealous. She told me she liked me yesterday and I believed her...sort of."

"Well she's gonna have to deal with her weird and mysterious emotions by herself because you're mine."  Hayley said hugging me close to her.

"Yeah but she also said that's why she treats me the way she does. She says that she treats me the way she does because of what I do to her... it's scary for her."

Hayley sighs before kissing my forehead. "We'll figure this out ok? Just stop stressing about it and be happy for a change."

I giggle and nestle my head into her neck.

One month later

Kehlani's POV

It's been a month since I saw Y/N and Hayley kiss. It's been a month since I've really talked to Y/N. My goal was to get her back but I couldn't bring myself to make a move or talk to her. I saw her at Chance's party but I didn't do or say anything. I couldn't seem to figure out why.

It was the middle of the school day. I was currently being tortured by my English teacher, Mr.Wells. I wish the bell would hurry the fuck up so I could go to lunch and eat. I took food very seriously.

"Uh Ms.Parrish why don't you read the next paragraph to wake you up a bit." He said, looking dead at me.

I return the stare before reading the paragraph he assigned me to.

"You're actually paying attention this time." He says sarcastically.

"Don't get used to it." I retort.

Mr.Wells turns his body towards me as the class starts to laugh. Here we go with his so called roast sessions as some students liked to call it.

"You know Ms.Parrish, I can tell you've been through a lot. Lemme see..." He says, looking through me. What the hell? Does this nigga think he has psychic powers or something.

"Oh I know. You're going through some relationship problems. The one you love doesn't want you back and now you're heartbroken. Well maybe if you stop being so thuggish, people would like you more."

The class broke out in laughter. I felt my cheeks get hot as anger boiled inside me.

I know this nigga did not just talk about my personal life.

Mr. Wells was satisfied with my reaction and turned back to teach when I spoke up.

"Thank you..thank you so much for that wonderful advice Mr.Wells. I'll have to fix that soon. Now it wouldn't be kind if I didn't give you some advice back right?" I say slyly. Mr.Wells turns to look at me again with an amused look on his face.

"I heard about the recent divorce that you and your now ex wife went through. Gosh I can only imagine how you feel. But you know, this whole ordeal between you and your ex wife got me thinking. You're a very intelligent man. An intelligent man who also likes to call kids out and embarrass the crap out them in front of their peers, knowing that they already have enough shit on their plate, just to battle your own crippling discomfort with yourself. Maybe if you'd take your head out your ass just long enough to look at life from someone else's point of view, your ex wife would still want you. But..what I do I know? I'm only a thuggish teen with a broken heart right?" I say with no remorse.

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