
375 20 28

the light

theyre light

theirs light (i used the wrong "there" as a joke so pls leave me alone)

u saw the light

"jesus?" u managed to let out.

"shhhhh" markus shovd borgar doawn ur throoat. "eaet the fortnite borgar u smelie hooman."

it tok u loek a mintueo 2 recovr

"tank u markus, i wil not kill ur android frends now" u sed

"ok tank u, i must go now, Jericho neieds me." Markus whipped his way out of ur house and flew to Jericho.

"o dang i gotta get 2 skool lmao." u stod up and slipd into ur furry costume. "x3 rawr owo *nuzzles chu* xD :3333 i wove uuuuuuu V O R E   M E"

"pls stop" the inner demons said and uh u listened because ur a little bitch that listens to the voices in ur head. just personally attacked myself wowowowwow

u bwnent downtsatirs and uh madee urslef some toast. "boneapleteth" u hit the whip and then walkd 2 school, carrying the peice of toastr in u're moutih

"omg im gonna b late." u panickd n began to run. "o fuk wbsoshakshskshakwiqhal" u ran into someone, falling on top of them.

u wehre on top ogf them. "omge om so sorry 😭" u began to cry in emo jies

"es okay essay" the spider helped themelf up and then helpd u up aftweards. "r u ok?" they askd.

"not mentally, but physically, yes." u said.

"uhhhh, reader, that's not in the script." the spider proclaimed.


evryone explosdee

damn u fucked up 😔

"bUT yOu wRoTe tHe stORy yOu duMB fuCk!1!1!1! 😡😡😡" STOP BLAMING ME 😭😭😭😭😡😡 ITS UR FAULT FOR BEING A PP HEAD 😡

despacito spider x reader Where stories live. Discover now