Chapter 3: Rude awakining part 2

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  • Dedicated to Sarah Ingram

Iris POV

I opened my eyes to the most handsome man I had ever seen. He had sparkling green eyes with

specks of gold,blue, and black inside. His hair curled around his head the darkest black i had ever

seen. He had dimples in each cheek and one in his chin as he smiled at me. i couldn't help but

smile back at him. my hand that lay resting on his stomach could feel his rock hard abs through his

black t-shirt. his lips were full and were formed into a smile as he gazed down at me from where i

say snuggled on his lap. At that moment i realized what happened earlier. I jumped out of his arms

and moved as far away from him as i could get. My body felt cold with out his body heat, and my

body yearned for him.

"W-w-why am i here" I stuttered in a mere whisper.

He still had a small frown on his face from when i moved away. But quickly erased it when i asked.

"Your my mate that's why" he said with a proud smile.

As he spoke each word i got angrier and angrier.

"Who the heck do you think you are. What makes you think its okay to freaking kidnap some from the family and friends. I could be married or seeing someone and now you took them away from me. What kind of sick freakish person does that." I ended my rant taking a deep breath.

He stared at me shocked, with his eyes wide and his mouth wide open.

He looked down in shame.

"I'm so sorry i did this to you i never meant to treat you that way. I had no right to take you away from the people you love. I will take you back to your home and you will never have to see me again." he said in a quiet small voice.

His expression broke my heart. I moved over and rapped my arms around him. He froze for a few

seconds and slowly rapped his arms around me.

"I will stay with you, because i see you need someone in your life. But I still have school and I'm going to see my family" I said into his chest

He pulled me closer to him.

"Thank you, i've made me the happiest man in the world right now."

Comment and vote I will update in a couple of days hope you enjoy.

Pic of Jace to the side.

You kidnapped me, and now I'm your mate HELL NO!!!!Where stories live. Discover now