The Vampire Kristoff

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Chapter 1

I'm running into thedarkness I can't see where I'm going, God damnit I cuss when I ran in to a small tree. Mumbling to myself "I really need to pay attention where I'm going", I calm down from my run and now walk thinking to myself "HA! find me now" but no I spoke to soon and had a giant dark brown wolf jump on me."damnit " I screamed. Of course it  was Kristoff security team yay!! for me....NOT! I hated the security team they always picked on me and throw me around assholes I swear. This wolf who jump me is David, he's a good runner hince why he found me before Alec did. He's head of security and does not like me, yes I made him hate me no my fault I want to be free. So when I got up David wasn't so please with me."aww come on, David I was only going for a late night run" smiling sweetly to him but no he growl at me to get on his back , of course I did and as soon I did we were running through the forest      and got back to the house(manison) inseconds. I really hated that Ithink I'm going far and fast but nope I was slow and didn't get far. David  drop me off like literally and fell on my ass."OW! What The Hell?! David" he gave me a death glare which silents me...for the moment,I was going to say something bad but the front door open and I stare in horror it was Kristoff,walking out the front door smoothly with grace. Kristoff wasn't yourplain vampire Nope he was different. For example, Kristoff was 6'7 yes he made me look small as hell since I'm only 5'0 Kristoff had auburn wavy shoulden length hair soft at the touch he usually keeps in tied with this old looking rubberband but not tonight it was free a beautiful face made by gods soft purple green eyes with a lite tan skin,weird Iknow since he's a vamp buthe does he also born B.C. so yes he's very very very very old! oh powerful sopowerful the dude can walk out when its light outside. Some Bullshit right! anyway Kristoff in a word was the world hottest and sexies man alive or dead(haha dead) and now he was a pissed off sexy man and I was screwed again.

Chapter 2

"Hi, Krissy" I smiled sweetly hoping it would soften him up. Don't get me wrong I'm no sexy girl myself but I had a few things that made me cute for a 17 year old,like I have a cute face and nice chest because I'm small they look bigger which made me really sad sometimes and very annoyed and a nice smile but I was chunky girl No I'm not some super fat chick I'm normal to say so yes I was confuse when Kristoff picked me shocking I know. So he's walking up to me while the rest of the security team came behind me lined up so I wouldn't make a run for it. Kristoff gets to me and he doesn't look very happy."Analisa St. Claire" he growl out. shit he was angry he only used my full name when he was urber pissed."Yes" I said showing he doesn't scared me whenhe really does. He turn and gave me a death glare and walk more closer to me I didn't back away so my face was against his stomach I had to look up at him when I did it really scared me.

Sorry guys I have leave you hanging there because the next part is crazy and maybe Alittledirty well see voted and comment please!!!!!!!  

he looks down at me with a glare I'm almost frighten from the site I turn my head down scared of what he was going to do.I pray he doesn't do anything to bad to me I hate getting bruises they were the worse especially ones on my necks they made me look cheap and some sorta of a whore but really I'm not because I was still a virgin and never really kissed a guy sadly to say he was my first kiss. It was really awkward because I didn't know what to do but soon enough I learn how to and didn't really like it because it ws coming from Kristoff, I was just glad he hasn't taken my maidenhead because yes that would suck big time. Something snap me out of my daydream a very loud growl coming from the man or monster in front of me. I look up again and Kristoff was even angrier looking this wasn't good at all! he was the first to say anything"why must you always run from me!" he demanded I stood there clueless of what to say and yes kind of scared too, I didn't answer just stare at his beautiful face. He spoke again much louder "Analisa answer me or I will hurt you more than before" I gulped very noisy but I didn't care he was scaring me so I spoke "Kristoff, you know why I ran from here" pinching the bridge of my nose so I wasn't loud like he was "I Hate It Here!" I spoke looking calm and mature so HA!take that you weenie of a vampire. But my courage disappear when he started to talk. "Oh really" he ask in a seduction voice which scared me because that means he's up to no good. "If you don't like it here I guess I don't have to protect from Kalona" he said in smartass way, but I didn't pay attention to that all I heard was Kalona's name and my heart drop down to my feet. "w-wwWhat did you say" I demaned in rough voice my eyes widen with fear. When ever Kalona comes to the mansion he and Kristoff tag team me and make me do unspoken things. I really didn't want Kalona to come over but its Kristoff best friend so to save my virginity beforeits taken by two assholes I pleaded to mymaster.

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