I smiled as I sipped my water. You are the worst.


After school. (Y/N)'s POV

     Over the course of the day, I'd finished all my water so I went to refill my water bottle before going to meet Shoto at the park. We thought it would be a nice change from his room, especially that the warm days were almost over.

      I ran to the shadowy back of the building. An odd place for a drinking fountain, but it was too busy inside with everyone leaving.

     I stood there for a few seconds as my water bottle filled.

    "(Y/N)." A voice from the side called to me.

     I turned my head, but quickly turned back, catching my breath. It was Bakugo. I don't want to talk about this again, I thought. I couldn't believe that I'd managed to forget about the problem for a whole day. Oh, what do I say?

     My water bottle being full now, I removed it from the drinking fountain and screwed on the lid. I turned to him, trying to act as calm as possible. I couldn't just walk away, sort of like the way I'd hung up on him yesterday.

     "Hi, u-um . . ." I said, stuttering.

     "Save it," he coldly responded. "So, you and Todoroki, huh? That's why you didn't know what to say to me the other night. WERE YOU JUST TRYING TO SPARE MY FEELINGS?!"

     My eyes widened. How . . .? Now that he knew, I really didn't know what to say. I tried digging for words but just couldn't find anything. I also felt bad. Really bad.

     We  watched each other for a few seconds, Bakugo's stare being more than a little upset, and mine being sorrowful and apologetic.

     He then turned on his heel and began stomping away.

    "Wait, Kacchan!" I called, following after him.


Third person POV

     There weren't many people around anymore, but anyone within a kilometer of the school could hear the shouting behind the building.

     Carrying her books, Taega walked out of the school behind the rest of the students, but stopped at what seemed to be Bakugo's distant shouting. She wondered what he could be doing here and decided to follow the noise.

     She crept along the side of the building, then peeked around the corner.

     She saw Bakugo angrily marching away, and (Y/N) following after him, trying to stop him. 

     Are they fighting? she thought. What is this about? There was nothing to keep her from watching. She leaned against the wall, keeping out of sight as much as she could. 


(Y/N)'s POV

     "Wait, Kacchan!" I went after him. I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I knew I couldn't leave it this way. If I didn't say anything, Bakugo might not speak to me ever again.

     "What?!" he barked, turning around.

     I came up in front of him. "I'm sorry . . ."

     He rolled his eyes. "The only reason I'm not gonna go blast that hot 'n cold bastard to pieces is because I know you two are close. DAMMIT I SAW YOU GUYS KISSING UP IN HIS ROOM YESTERDAY!!! AAAARRRRRRRRGGG!!!" He suddenly released a blast of fire from his hands into the sky, which exploded in a deafening boom.

     I covered my hears and was blasted by the wind that came from it. Never had he unleashed his quirk in front of me like that before.

     He stood there with his back to me, breathing heavily and shaking a little.

     I moved to stand in front of him again. I was beginning so feel so rotten that I felt tears stinging in my eyes.

     "Kacchan, listen to me," I began. "I really like you, that's the truth. I consider you one of my best friends, even though sometimes I don't show it. But between you and Shoto, don't tell me to choose. You're amazing, Kacchan, but I love Shoto. I always have." I quickly wiped away the wetness of my eyes, refusing to let him watch me cry.

     However, he only started walking away again.

    Ugh, I thought. Is there any way for me to make him understand?! 

    Again, I ran to catch him, this time grabbing his sleeve. "Kacchan, stop!"

   He tried pushing me away, but I firmly held on. "LET GO YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!"

   "NO!" I stubbornly fired back. "You're gonna hear me out, whether you want to or not. I don't want to stop being friends with you. I like you, Kacchan! Every time I say that, it's like you don't even care."

    "BUT I LIKE YOU THE WAY YOU LIKE TODOROKI!!! I REFUSE TO SETTLE FOR LESS THAN I WANT!!! NOW LET GO!!!" He again tried pulling away, but I wouldn't let him.

     "Kacchan, please!" I pleaded. "What can I do, tell me! I'll do anything to keep you from throwing everything we have away! Just . . . tell me!" I felt hot tears forcing their way out of my eyes. Shoot! Now I'm crying if front of him.

     I sniffed and covered my face with my hands. Maybe I was just wasting my time. He'll never listen, why am I even trying?

     Suddenly, to my amazement, Bakugo gently took hold of my hands and slowly moved them away from my tear-stained face. He was looking down as he did.

     "Actually . . . there is something," he spoke, not making eye contact.

     I looked up at him after dragging my arm across my eyes. I didn't realize how close he was to me. My pulse was quickening in an uncomfortable way, the way I felt when we were at the crosswalk that night.

    "What, then . . ." I slowly breathed.

    I noticed his eyes moving to meet mine, then falling down to where my mouth was. He squeezed my hands a little, as he was still holding them.  I wanted to pull them away, but let him keep then since he seemed to be on the verge of submitting. 

    He leaned even closer to me, and that was when I realized actual sadness in his red eyes. It wasn't anger, or frustration, just sincere sorrow. I felt my heart ache for him a little.

    "I . . . uh . . ." he murmured softly. "I just want to know what it feels like, what Todoroki feels . . . even if it's just once."


!!!!! That is all I'm gonna say about that.

Well, thank you all for reading this chapter and of course I hope you liked it. As you can see, I'm dishing out chapters one after another, because soon I won't have a lot of time with school starting. 

See you soon, and don't forget to vote/comment♥

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