Little Talks

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“Little Talks”
By: Of Monsters and Men

(Music begins)

Meg and Calvin are in a white, box shaped prison cell. They are separated by a glass wall. They are both sitting on the floor, with their backs against the wall.

Meg’s legs are pressed up against her chest, her arms are wrapped around them. She is holding her glasses in between her fingers. She is crying.

Calvin is leaning his head back against the wall. His eyes are squeezed shut. His legs are crossed, his hands are balled into fists

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” * ( *With each Hey!, the room pulsates like the IT does in the book.)

Meg: (She lifts her head. Tears are seen running down her cheeks.)
“I don’t like walking around this old and empty house.”

Calvin: (He un-clenches his hands, and holds one out to his side.) “So hold my hand, I’ll walk with you my dear.” (He slowly un-squeezes his eyes, they still remain shut.)

Meg: “The stairs creak as I sleep, it’s keeping me awake.” (She wipes the tears from her eyes, and puts her glasses back on her face.)

Calvin: (He opens his eyes, and turns his head to the side. His eyes, now looking over his shoulder.) “It’s the house telling you to close your eyes.”

Meg: “Some days, I can’t even trust myself.” (She lightly squeezes and un-squeezes her eyes.)

Calvin: “It’s killing me to see you this way.” (He lightly shakes his head, as he frowns.)

Both: “Cause though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.” (Calvin, says it to Meg, as a way of reassurance. Meg mumbles it under her breath. (At this point, he’s said this to her a lot, so she’s reciting it with him because she’s used to it.))

(Music comes in again)

Meg: (She stands up, and starts pacing around the room.)

Hey! Hey! Hey! *

Meg: (She walks to the wall, and looks down at Calvin; still turned away from her. She puts her hand on the glass.) “There’s an old voice in my head that’s holding me back.” (She turns away, now facing the locked door on the other side of the room.)

Calvin: “Well tell her that I miss our little talks.” (He gets up, and turns to look at her.)

Meg: “Soon it will be over, and buried with our past”.

Calvin: “We used to play outside when we were young, and full of life, and full of love.” (He reaches his hand out, almost touching the glass.)

Meg: (She stuffs her hands in her pockets.) “Some days, I don’t know if I am wrong, or right.”

Calvin: “Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear.” (His hand slowly drops to his side.)

Both: “Cause though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.” (Calvin says it the same way. Meg says it a little more hopeful.)

“Hey!” *

Meg: (She turns around, and looks at Calvin. (This is the first time they’ve both been looking at each other.)) “Don’t listen to a word I say.”

“Hey!” *

Meg: “The screams all sound the same.” (She lightly shakes her head, as she squeezes and un-squeezes her eyes.)

“Hey!” *

Calvin: (He puts both of his hands up on the glass, in an attempt to be closer to Meg.) “Though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.”

(Music bridge)

Meg: (She runs to the the wall, and puts her hands on the glass in the same place as Calvin’s.)

“Hey! Hey!” * (Both of these pulsations physically hurt Meg and Calvin. They both wince and flinch in pain, as tears well up in their eyes.)

Meg: (Her eyes go wide. She panics, trying to push at the glass, hoping it will let her through to Calvin. She cries harder.)

Calvin: (He bites his lip, as he watches Meg try to get through.)

(The music screeches to a halt)

(A strong bolt of pain emanates from the wall, making both of them jolt away from it. They each take a few steps back.)

Both: “You’re gone, gone, gone away. I watched you disappear.”

Calvin: “All that’s left is a ghost of you.”

Meg: “Now we’re torn, torn, torn apart. There’s nothing we can do.” (She turns away from him.) “Just let me go…” (A silent tear slips down her cheek.)

Calvin: “We’ll meet again soon.”

Calvin: “Now wait, wait, wait for me! Please hang around!” (He runs back to the wall, putting his hands back on the glass.)

Both: “I’ll see you when I fall asleep!”

“Hey!” * (Calvin bangs his hand once against the glass, causing Meg to turn around.)

Both: “Don’t listen to a word I say.”

“Hey!” *

Both: “The screams all sound the same!”

“Hey!” * (Calvin mouths ‘I love you’ to Meg.)

Meg: “Though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.” (Another tear slips down her cheek.)

Meg: “Don’t listen to a word I say.”

“Hey!” *

Calvin: “The screams all sound the same.”

“Hey! * (Meg mouths ‘I love you too.’)

Both: “Though the truth may vary,”

Calvin: “This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.” (He’s confirming that they’ll be okay. They’ll make it out, somehow.)

Meg: (She nods her head, as she walks back to the wall.) “Though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.” (She finally believes that things will somehow be okay.)

Meg: (She reaches the wall. She puts her hand out, but hesitates to touch it. She looks up, into Calvin’s loving eyes.)

Both: “Though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.”

Meg: (She finally puts her hands back where Calvin’s are, but the glass is gone. Her eyes go wide.)

Calvin: (His eyes widen as well. (The wall was just there a moment ago.) He immediately intertwines their fingers, and rests his head against Meg’s.)

Meg: (A relieved and shocked smile forms on her lips, as a light giggle escapes them.)

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