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Y/n: issei I swear to god. You know I didn't want to do this.
Issei: oh come on man have a little fun Ria's said get out and enjoy the weekend so why don't we do just that.
??: Oh my head I'm such a clutz.
Y/n: madam do you require help?
Issei: dude no.
Y/n: shut it.
Asia: I'm sorry for causing you such a problem.
Y/n: oh please helping a friend like you isn't such a problem.
Issei: yeah are you alright?
Asia: yes I'm fine thank you.
Issei: um where you going?
Asia: well I was on my way to the church and I got lost.
Issei: I could take you there.
Y/n: yeah you do that Issei I got to talk to rias.
Timeskip to occult club.
Akeno: you're back early.
Y/n: Issei went to go deliver a girl to the church.
Rias: NANI!?!! Y/n please tell me you didn't go near there.
Y/n: no I didn't but I did get a nasty headache from her.
Rias: listen to me and listen well you are not allowed to go near the church. UNDERSTAND?
Y/n: yes
Rias: now go sit down and meditate to clear your head.
Shizouka: hey kid concentrate power into your arms.
Y/n: okay.
You did as told but you saw a blue light shine on your arm and sword coating your right arm and a shield in your left.
A/n: It's kind of like the sword shriyu in the anime called the animation it's on Netflix go watch it

A/n: so something like that in the first two pictures but with a wolf head and the sword coming out of the mouth and the shield is like diablos tyrannis from monster Hunter world.

Y/n: whoa that's amazing.
Shizouka: yeah now you can call upon weapons which I grant you.
Y/n: that's cool.
Rias: y/n, Akeno go to the old soda factory.
Y/n: for what?
Akeno: a rouge 😈.
Y/n: alright fine. Where are you going?
Rias: to get Issei.
Tiimmmeessss kkippp
Akeno: alright we're here.
Y/n: someone is here.
Akeno: how do you know?
Y/n: wolf senses. I'm going to the roof to scout it out.
You jumped to the roof and started to look around and see if anyone else was there.
Y/n: dead quiet too quiet.
???: So you're looking for me eh?
Y/n: holy mother of Christ. It's a nude spider.
Akeno: vixen!
Vixen: ah the thunder priestess herself. Tell me how does it feel to work for someone that is greater than you.
Y/n: ugh can we just kill it already.
You summoned your sword and shield and ran for it you jumped in the air you did a flip and pointed the tip of your sword towards his head and came down. You managed to stab him but you got your sword stuck in him.
Y/n: I wonder if I could?
You thought about something that sounded stupid, but you did it anyway. You summoned a second sword in your other hand and stabbed him in the eye.
Rias: seems you are doing well for a stray vixen.
Vixen couldn't talk because you were busy cutting him up.
Akeno: where is Issei?
Rias: he's here. Y/n listen to me I need you to knock him down okay.
Y/n: alright fine. Now how do I go about doing that?
Shizouka: you could charge up power to your swords and then blow his face off.
Y/n: that's not a bad idea.
You charged power to your swords and a blue light appeared on them.
Shizouka: do it now.
A huge explosion big enough to destroy the whole factory.
Y/n: suck on that bitch.
You fell over and fainted.
Issei: aw man I didn't do anything.
Rias: that's okay.
Koneko: so that's what happened?
Kiba: he's more powerful than I thought.
Akeno: hes definitely learning to master his powers.
Rias: Issei wake him up.
Issei walked over to you and started to shake you.
You quickly pulled out a sword and held it to his neck.
Issei: dude chill.
Y/n: yeah I'm sorry.
Kiba: you okay bro.
Y/n: yeah I'm fine just one the side effects of using so much power. Nightmares.
Akeno:what do you mean?
Y/n: when I fainted shizouka told me that I am going to experience nightmares because of how much power I used.
Rias: the nightmares do they seem realistic.
Y/n: sometimes.
Rias: come over here. Akeno should be able to keep them at Bay for a while.
You stood next to Akeno and she sucked out the nightmares.
Y/n: hey they're all gone. Thanks now shizouka.
Shizouka: hmmm. What do you want?
Y/n: tell me how did I get you as a sacred gear.
Shizouka: this is a long story. So back when you weren't even born yet your mom was making a name for herself by people calling her the wolf warrior. She was at this time leading most of the charges during the great war so I decided to test her worth the day before she was supposed to lead another group of soldiers I came to her in her sleep and asked her if she wanted the power of the wolf of course she was suspicious at first, but I told her that I was the great wolf shizouka. At first I put her through rigorous trials and she passed one after the other. So she passed and I turned myself into a sacred gear and she used me to accerlalte the war effort.
Y/n: so whatever happened to her?
Shizouka: well she didn't die but she fused her soul to mine and that's why that invisibility spell worked and I can project images of her and you can use some of things that she used in battle like that invisibility spell.
Rias: that was an interesting story, bit now I want everyone to go home and get some rest and come back tomorrow.
A/n: guys I'm sorry I haven't been making a lot of chapters and I kind of lost inspiration and then I was busy with real life stuff and I just started typing on my laptop and then I got grounded so yeah I'm sorry and I really am trying my best

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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