Chapter 20

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   Slowly I emerge from the darkness, like a demon raising from hell. And then hitting me from behind, comes my last memory. Malia. She had healed me.

   In response to this memory, I know exactly where I am. The healing rooms, just like the day when I first came to the palace. After that fay I made a point never to come back to the healing rooms... or talk to Odin about his proposal. Who becomes royalty after the death of their entire family?

   "You mean to tell me, my niece, basically tore this poor girl to shreds, and then healed her! How is that even possible... I mean I know she could turn into that wolf thing, buy it hasn't happened since she was a child" an extremely weird sounding mans voice exclaims, almost as if about to go into a fit of rage.

   "We discovered the realm she originally came from. How are the two of you even related" Loki replies, very clearly irritated.

   "We aren't, not technically anyways. An old friend of mine had an affair with her mother and got her pregnant. I helped care or her and her mother, after her father died of brain cancer. Malia has always considered me her Uncle... And after her mother was murdered, I adopted her and I basically raised her" the man's voice now took on a sad yet protective tone, and with a sad note he added "she was six when her mother was murdered. Her full name is Malia Lidya Stark Ravenwood. Most people on Earth knows her as the beautiful Lidya Stark, book writer and my niece. Few know what she is and that she is the only person I have really truly cared for"

   The entire room goes silent. I know anyone and everyone in the room, is allowing his words to soak in. Up until now I have been fine pretending to sleep, but I can't help it- I have to say something to this man.

   "Malia seems lucky to have an Uncle like you, Sir Stark, you seem like a very kind hearted person" I say loud and confidentially, breaking the silence. I open my eyes and search for the men who had been speaking. I discover Loki, Thor, and a man shorter than both- in an odd outfit with brown hair and full facial beard. This must be the Uncle.

   Instead of the man speaking, Loki steps forward and addresses me in a strange tone.

   "Its wonderful to see you awake, I have word from Odin to pass on to you... Princess"


   Almost instantly after I told Bethena, she asked Thor and Stark to show her out of the room, ignoring the protests from the healers. Leaving me alone with Malia and the healers, but I ask them to leave.

   I watch her beautiful face intently. Almost as if hearing my thoughts she opens her eyes. Revealing her beautiful sea blue eyes I've been longing to see. At first her eyes adjust to the light, blinking profusely. Then they search the room desperately, stopping on me.

   "Loki" she breaths, her voice almost making me loose my self control. Oh dear Gods that voice.

   What has happened to me... Odin has exactly what he wanted, me mushy over this woman. She will be the only one to see this. She is mine and mine alone.

   Slowly I step closer to the golden healing bed, keeping eye contact.

   "Malia" I reply, hiding my struggle for self control in a rough voice. "You've kept me waiting to see those perfect sea blue eyes for a very long time" I take her delicate hands into mine and look directly into her eyes.


   I feel like a deer in head lights, I'm tripping even though I'm laying down... what the holy grail of cheese balls did he just say?! I know I'm blushing, but I can't stop it, nor can I speak. I must look like such an idiot.

   I'm staring  deep into Loki's mesmerizing green orbs, and he is staring back at mine, with a look in his eyes I've never seen before... almost like he is looking at the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. What the hell is going on?!

   Suddenly the room door swings open, and Thor and my Uncle steps into the room. Wait! My uncle! What is Tony doing here?!

   "Loki father said that he wants all of us, including Lady Malia, if she has woken" Thor speaks far too loud for my taste, urgently.

   Moment over.

   Loki turns and glares at his brother. He must be as unhappy for the moment to end as I am. But in a way I am almost relieved, I was unable to speak, like an idiot.

   I let out a big breath, unaware I had been holding and look o er to Tony. His eyes go between Loki and I franticly. And in response I sit up and remove my hands from Loki's warm strong grasp.  Tony is certainly going to have something to say about that.

   Almost like a bunch of bricks it hits me.

   "Where is Bethena... I have to speak with her" I say and frantically scramble up from the bed, landing my bare feet on the cold floor. I am stopped by the same grasp on my upper arms that I had removed my hands from. Facing him I look up at him, pleading with my eyes. He can certainly tell I'm about to cry.

   His voice is low and soothing "She is attending to some things, but believe me when I tell you that she is perfectly fine" he says, but I am still unsure.

   I. Almost. Killed. Her.

   I look over at my Uncle desperately. Without thinking, I rush over to him, and wrap my arms around him.

  "Whoa there" he says in surprise, but still hugs me in return.

   I need this hug, but I suppose if Loki or Thor were in Tony's place I would need the hug just as much, perhaps more with Loki.

   Definitely more with Loki.

~~Hello darlings, just wanted to say hi :-)
Until next time...

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