- You better. This picture is everywhere on the internet. It's bigger news than when the 30th anniversary of phantom was. This picture went viral just over the night. You're so cute together! Do NOT say you're not a couple. If you do I'm gonna kill you.

- Ehhh, well, the thing is that Sierra and I... we are...

He couldn't tell her. Somehow, he just wanted Sierra to be there because then it would have been much easier. What should he tell her?

- Just start from the day before yesterday, you stayed later than everyone else. What happened after that?

- Well, I followed her home...

- Wait, what? Did you sleep together?!

- No, of course not! I just followed her to her door.

- Aha, well, then?

How could he say this? It would sound weird that Sierra kissed him first. Where were Sierra now when he needed her. A lump of nervousness formed in his stomach. What would Ali think about him not taking the first step?

- Just when I was about to go Sierra... well, she...

- She what?

Ali looked extremely excited. Like a child on Christmas. 

- When I was about to go she turned me around and... and kissed me.

His cheeks instantly grew very warm, why did he have to blush? However, the memory of that night made him feel like bursting of happiness. Sierra was in love, in love him, and they were a couple. Ali almost screamed out of happiness. She threw herself around his neck and started crying silently. Ramin was a little confused by that, but after all Ali was of the female sex.

- I'm so happy for you! Congrats! That's great!! But wait, you're a couple now, right?

- Yes, yes, we are.

She let go of him, teary-eyed and a big smile on her face.

- These are such good news! I'm so proud of you.

- Please don't make a big deal out of us. We want to keep it normal and NOT freak out; he quickly added.

- Of course, I will not tell anyone. Ahhhh!! I'm so happy. Even though I rather keep on talking about this I have to change. Bye!

As soon as she was out of sight Ramin let out a long, relieved sigh. Sure, he liked talking to Ali, but this was too soon for him to talk about. He didn't even know if they would stay a couple for a long time. They had only been a pair for two days. Of course, he wanted it to last for a long time, preferably forever, but he could never be too sure. Especially not the first weeks. Trying to not think about that he stood up and walked over to the closet where he kept all his costumes.

Just as Ramin had taken his shirt off he heard his door open up and saw a head appearing in the gap. Her red hair was pinned to her head by bobby pins and she looked ready soon put on her wig. Those green eyes could hypnotize him any minute but now they were glued to his bare upper body.

- Sie, what do you want? he smiled.

Their eyes met, and she gave him a big grin as her cheeks got a little redder. Without hesitation she walked up to him and planted a big kiss on his lips. His intestines twisted of emotions. He loved her so much and the feeling of her lips to his, her thin waist in his arms and the taste of her lips made his stomach fill with butterflies. If they wouldn't be in his dressing room he would probably continued the kiss and gone further but instead he slowly and unwillingly ended the kiss.

- I just wanted to see you before the show and tell you that I love you very much; she said burying her face in his bare chest.

The feeling of her against his skin made him die inside. He was extremely sensitive under her touch.

- But now I have to put on my wig and finish my make-up.

- Well, I guess I need to put on my costume too.

They let go and their eyes met. Her eyes sparkled of longing and he understood her so much, but knowing they couldn't do anything he just grinned at her and turned around to put on the button down shirt he had as Archibald Craven. He heard her footsteps as she made her way out. Just as she was about to close the door behind her she said:

- See you soon, love you!

He turned around to get one last look of her.

- I love you too, very much!

After the show Sierra came into his dressing room with a questioning look on her face. What had he done now?

- Why did Ali congratulate me? She looked as she would burst of happiness and I have never seen her like that; Sierra told him.

- Oh, that.

So, Ali hadn't said why she congratulated Sie. That was odd, but what could he say? She was quite odd to be honest.

- What? Sierra asked.

- Well, when I came into my room Ali stood in the doorway and showed me a picture of us two from yesterday at the waterpark. Apparently, it had gone viral during the night and when she saw it she knew that we are a couple.

Sierra went over to the couch standing against the wall and sat down.

- Okay...

- And then she kind of confronted me if we actually were a couple or not so I had to tell her the whole story. After, she got surprisingly happy and promised not to tell anyone.

He looked at Sierra's beautiful face. She was shaking her head giggling slightly.

- I've known her for like 15 years and she has never acted this childish before! But that's fun anyway. Do you have the picture, I wanna see it too; she smiled.

- Well, no. You have to ask her; he felt very happy that Sierra reacted good to it.

- Bye then!

Sierra gave him an air-kiss and then walked out of the room. What would he do without Sierra? She was his best friend and he loved her so much. With that thought on his mind he quickly changed clothes to be done with stage door as fast as he could, so he and Sierra could get home to the boys.

I Don't Have a Choice, But I'd Still Choose You || A Rierra FanficWhere stories live. Discover now