Hayley nodded but didn't say anything.

"We need to talk...about yesterday." She breathes out finally.

I look at her and she looks at me.

"Not right now if you don't want to but we need to talk about it sooner rather than later. I need to know where I stand with you." She said playing with her fingers.

I nodded. "After school." I said quietly just as Ms.Kelly addressed the class.

"Alright everyone I hope you all have finished your drawings. Remember they are a quiz grade. Now who wants to present first?" She asked with a huge smile on her face.

She made direct eye contact with Hayley and called her up. Hayley kind of begged with her eyes not to but Ms.Kelly wasn't playing it.

"What have you drawn for us Hayley?" She asked leaning against her desk. Hayley opened her sketchbook, past her potato and onto another page with a beautiful drawing of lavender on it.

"I drew lavender. I drew it because lavender is considered the most delicate and gracious. That's also what I consider my relationships with my friends and family to be." She said closing her sketchbook.

Everyone clapped and I smiled as she sat back down. She noticed me smiling and hugged me.

"Alright, who's next?" Ms.Kelly asked clapping her hands together.

I sunk down into my chair, not wanting to be called on. It didn't work though because I got called on as soon as I did it.

"Y/N, come on up please." She said sweetly.

I groaned before getting up and walking to the front of the class while pouting, causing the class to laugh.
Ms.Kelly held her hand up and the class fell silent.

I cleared my throat and showed the class my drawing.

"I drew a rose. I drew it because roses represent love. I love my friends and my family and...yeah." I said, really wanting to sit back down and die.

The class clapped and I felt Ms.Kelly tap my shoulder.

"I want to see you after class."

I nodded and went back to my seat. I sat back down and noticed Hayley was wiping away fake tears.

"You actually said you love me...I-I don't know what to say."

I lightly pushed her as another student came up to present.

30 minutes later

I put my sketchbook back in my bag and got up, walking out of class with Hayley. Just as I'm about to walk out the door I hear Ms.Kelly clear her throat. Crap how do I already forget?

I sit back down at the desk right in front of hers. As she walks over to me.

"Can you take out your sketchbook please?" She asked sweetly. I complied and got it out for her. She flipped through the pages until she got to the one with the rose on it. She tapped the page with her pen and backed up.

"Who is it?" She asked smirking.

I was confused as to what she meant. "What do you mean?" I asked and Ms.Kelly scoffed.

"Oh come on Y/N, you know exactly what I mean. Who did you fall in love with?" She asked again, looking at me like I had two heads.

I must've looked even more confused because Ms.Kelly sighed and picked up my sketchbook, holding my drawing up for me to see.

"You drew a rose." She said.

"Yeah.." I said. I mean duh captain obvious.

"You drew a stemless one." She said. I nodded my head at her statement.

"Stemless roses represent love at first sight...so who is it?" She asked yet again. I shook my head.

"No one I just like roses and I was too lazy to draw the stem." I said, completely lying. I had me and Hayley's kiss and Kehlani's confession in my mind. I should've known Ms.Kelly, who oddly has the ability to read me like a book, would see that.

"Honey I know when you've got something on your mind. You can tell me anything." She said placing her hands on my shoulders. Not in a weird way just a reassuring way.

I hesitated and sighed before telling her. "Kehlani kissed me yesterday."

Ms.Kelly's eyes widened. I chuckled before continuing.

"And so did Hayley."

Ms.K nodded but never took her eyes off me. "Is that it?"

I shook my head. "No cause then after school Kehlani shows up at my house and tells me how she feels about me and I honestly don't know what to do. I can't decide on who I want."

I see Ms.K nod her head. "Well in the end Y/N, how do you feel about it? You're the one who's been kissed so tell me how you feel." She said backing up slightly.

I shrug. "I'm confused. I don't know what to do. Kehlani is mysterious and beautiful and really confusing and Hayley is my best friend. Not only that but I don't wanna lose our friendship if things don't work out."

Ms.K nods her head. "I see where you're coming from." She said, folding her arms. "But in the end, ask yourself this question. Who makes you happier?"

She turns around and writes me a pass to give to my next teacher. I grab my bag and hug her. "Thanks for the help Ms.K. I'll think about what you said. She hugged me back before pulling away.

"Of course. You know I'm always there for you. Now get to class and go get your girl." She said winking at me.

I smile and walk out the classroom. She made it sound so easy but I know it won't be.

Thanks for reading

Well who would you pick in real life, Hayley or Kehlani?

Don't forget to smile babes.😊

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