"no ice", he monotonously repeated.

"Or Fire!", you promptly added, popping you head back through the door frame

"...or fire", the normally indifferent boy, huffed, lips pursed, and cheeks slightly puffed in irritation

By God, were you sure this man child was really one year older than you?

"Hey Guys!", you cheerfully greeted the previous male trio, attempting to start things off on the right foot. Unfortunately, behind your bubbly façade, a malicious purple aura grew around the bi-colored boy. He strolled through the door, shooting daggers at the male trio. To any non-Todoroki, it felt like the room temperature dropped a couple degrees.

The brunette nervously whispered to his friend, "Isn't he supposed to apologize to us, not try to murder us again?"

The friend replied, "I don't know man, but whatever he's doing is freaking me out"

Sensing the invisible tension in the room, you turned around to see a malevolent scowl plastered on the pretty boy's face.

"Hey! Stop that", you scolded, smacking the back of your candy-cane companion's neck, like a trainer disciplining a disobedient kitten.

Shouto relinquished the intimidating aura, stubbornly averting his eyes from the male trio.

"Here", he spat out, handing each of the victims an autographed Endeavor print.

Each of them hesitantly grabbed the glossy paper, admiring the signed merchandise with subtle excitement.

Sliding your hands onto your waist, you shifted your weight to the side, sticking your hip out as you leaned forward to confront a pouty Shouto.

"Anything else you would like to say to these innocent civilians?", you prodded.

Shouto clenched his fists, pausing to gather self-control, before speaking.

"I apologize for calling you assholes"

"And...", you prompted.

"almost freezing you to death"


"encasing your laptops in blocks of ice"

"wait what"

"Now!", you cheerfully and decisively interjected, "Are well all settled?" You looked at both the victims and the Shouto "Are we all good?"

The three male med students examined their flame hero signatures, then the popular ikemen pro-hero submissively bowing in apology to them.

"Yeaaahh, I guess so", one of them initiated.

"Great!", you chirped, moving over to the bi-colored boy, still bent over, to push him back out the door.

You called to your batchmates, "Class starts in 5 minutes. I'll join you guys once I show Shouto out-"

Two feet from the door, you heard another voice from behind.

"I.it was't completely his fault you know", the third person timidly spoke.

"Yeah", the brunette chimed in, "we were talking bad about you, and that guy was just trying to defend you"

"...by almost killing us", one of the victims mumbled, earning a couple jabs from his friends.

You sighed, walking back to your classmates, "I know; Shouto told me. And besides, I kinda expected it, being in med school with a medical quirk" Looking up at the taller figures, you clenched your fists close to your heart. "We're all med students shooting for the same goal, right? So let's just support each other until the end! Okay?", you beamed a blinding smile up at the male trio, causing them wince and tear up at your intense earnestness as well as your extreme adorableness.

"(YY/NN)-CHAANN", the male trio cried out, throwing themselves into your sweater clad arms.

"O...our c..class", you stammered out, engulfed in the sea of emotional adults.

Your head spun from lack of air, the suffocating group hug, slowly dimming the overhead lights. Suddenly, you felt a strong arm, yank you from the grasps of the male trio. Instantaneously, you were pulled into a broad chest, one arm gripping your wrist, and another bandaged one wrapped around you protectivity. You blinked twice in astonishment, feeling yourself sink into the comforting warmth of your Soulmate's embrace.

"Let's go, (y/n)", the icy-hot hero aggressively announced, guiding your smaller from out the lecture hall door, through the hallway, and out the main exit.

"See ya later!", you called out to your classmates as your candy-cane companion dragged you through the building.

He was fine seeing you talk to your co-workers and such, but as soon as those douchcanoes touched you, he had this strange feeling of irritation poking at him. He hated seeing them experience your cute, bubbly side and wide smile. He hated seeing them refer to you so casually. Even worse, he hated seeing them remotely try to hug you, like that.... Why was he so angry?

"ah, S..Shouto. Here's fine", you said before your two-toned companion could drag you further away from your class.

Your sweet voice snapped him out of his perplexing anger, prompting him to quickly release his grasp on you. Gently rubbing your wrist, you looked up at those gorgeous pastel orbs, feeling the red flush to your face.

"Thank you so much", You flashed the sincerest smile you could "I'm really proud of you for doing that."

In your perspective, you were just thanking the guy who made your life a whole lot easier (assault charge free), but to Shouto, you were absolutely radiant. Face slightly flushed and full of joy, the sunlight peeking out from the grey clouds reflected against the snowflakes making it look as if you were actually sparkling.

"Are you sure you aren't an angel?", the bi-colored boy stoically asked, leaning in to get a closer look.

"Pfft", you laughed, playfully pushing his face away, earning a small smile from the indifferent hero.

Unsuspectedly, a glowing red string formed on your pinky, the festive light leading to the very hand of the man in front of you. Both of you looked down at the string, then each other, soaking in a round of contemplative silence. Swallowing hard, you backed away from your soulmate, causing the crimson light to fade into the white snowfall.

"I...I better head you class", you stammered, promptly spinning around to take your leave back into the warm building.

"Wait", your candy-cane companion called out, "Can we go out for dinner again tomorrow?"

You clenched your fists, "Sorry, I have lab all day"

"How about the day after?"

You pressed harder, nails ruthlessly digging into your soft hands maybe enough to draw blood, "I'm working the graveyard shift at the hospital"


"Hey", you felt drops of blood pool in to your palms, "I might be free sometime next week. I'll text you about it when I find out okay"


"Bye Shouto", you said, opening the large metal door, and stepping into the beige building.

"Goodbye (y/n)", the icy-hot hero calmly replied, gently waving at the closing door.

Marching through the hallway, up the stairwell to your immunology lecture hall, you couldn't shake the bittersweet thoughts and complex emotions colliding with your entire state of being.

Was this really okay?

Hey, Pretty Stranger (Todoroki Shouto X Reader) {Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now