Chapter 24 Bubble Bath

Start from the beginning

The after-party went on for about an hour and a half before people started to leave, and Allura and Shiro walked with Keith and Lance out to the parking lot. It was cold out so Keith gave Lance his hoodie which caused a chorus of "Awww!"'s from Shiro and Allura, their arms around each other for warmth. Keith was lucky that the studio wasn't that far away from his apartment, but he still felt bad that he would have to make Lance cold. He was used to the cold air, but he knew Lance preferred warm weather.

After arranging plans for the next Voltron practice (three days later), the two couples parted and Keith watched Shiro and Allura walk quickly to Shiro's heated car. He felt bad for Lance, but he hoped to be able to make it up to him the next day with a hot bath or something. Maybe he'd even let Lance paint his nails, a weird dream of his boyfriend's. The two boys hopped on the motorcycle and Keith sped home, one hand on Lance's arms around his stomach to make sure he didn't slip or do anything stupid. Lance was known for doing stupid things, so Keith was very careful now, especially because of the factors a.) Drunk Lance and b.) Exhausted Lance were added in.

Keith weaved quietly through shortcuts he'd discovered, something he normally wouldn't be able to get away with in the daytime, and they were at the apartment in no time. Keith helped Lance off the motorcycle, getting the flowers (once again) out of the hatch in back, and carried both his boyfriend and the bouquet inside, giving into Lance when he asked for a piggyback ride up the stairs. Keith's legs shook two flights in, but he was determined to get to the top, even if it meant he'd be sore the next day. Lance was warm on his back, as usual, and his breath on his neck tickled. Keith finally reached his apartment, and he let Lance down to unlock his door.

"Where are my-" Keith dug into his pockets, but the only things that met his fingers were gum wrappers and a tube of chapstick. Keith almost had a mini heart attack before Lance suddenly stepped in front of him, dangling his keys in front of his face, and Keith remembered that he had given Lance his hoodie, which, surprise, surprise, had his keys in it. Lance laughed, high and breathy, before insisting that he unlock the door, which took several minutes with his clumsy hands, but Keith wasn't going to rush him. It was a relatively reasonable time (almost midnight), but Keith only had one class the next day, Wednesday, and it was in the afternoon so he and Lance would be able to sleep in because Lance didn't have classes in general since it was the day after the recital and the studio knew that the dancers needed rest. Keith thought that was considerate.

The two walked into Keith's apartment (or, more of, Keith walked and Lance stumbled), and Keith gently helped Lance out of his clothes, wiping his makeup off with a wet dishcloth, then kissed him on the cheek and tucked him into bed, feeling embarrassingly like a mom, before taking care of himself. It took a good amount of time to scrub off all of his face paint, and Keith's face was beet red by the time he finished. He shrugged off his costume, letting it fall to the bathroom floor, then walked to his bedroom, sighing as he slipped into bed. Lance was immediately on top of him, warmer than the blankets themselves, arms over Keith's chest, just like how they had slept back at Keith's house.

Keith wondered if they would be sleeping like this all the time now. He wasn't complaining- Lance's bare chest felt smooth and satiny and his stomach rose and fell against Keith's in a weirdly calming way. Keith traced over Lance's back with his hands, and he felt the birthmarks and ripples of muscles. Keith closed his eyes and held his breath, just listening. The sound of Lance's breathing... that was probably the most relaxing, relieving sound in the world.

Keith curled his arms around Lance tighter. He never wanted anything bad to happen to him, and right there, as the moon was in the top of the sky, shining over the apartment complex and Keith's shabby sheets, with Lance's caramel brown skin against Keith's pale complexion, Keith promised that he'd do all he could to keep Lance happy and safe. He wanted to stay with this boy. He wanted Lance to stay with him too.

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