"Yes, of course, anything," he said looking at it another big smile spreading over his face as she opened it, a delicious smell of sweet carrot cake filling the room almost instantly.

"I made this for you for a trade."

"A trade?" he looked from it to her his eyebrow raising at her way of business. "What do I have that's worth this deliciousness we don't get often around here?"

"I need something that can time travel," she said bluntly. "Not only that but cross earths."

The man looked at the cake she served him and eagerly took it, closing his eyes as he took in the scent, glancing at her from time to time although he nearly shoveled it in.

"We are in complete coordination with the laws and rules of Earth 19. We do not conduct experiments only see if things are theoretically possible. There is no breaching worlds unless you forgot, exceptions for people that work at the CA."

"You lost me..." she started watching him eat "But I can pay you anything, please Mr. Palmer. This is super important."

Ray put down the container and his fork wiping his mouth off with an extra napkin from his lunch earlier that day.

"Okay, but you have to do something for me."

"Name it" she replied without one breath for hesitation.

"I am working on a computer program, one that can make food from supplies we stock for um... long distance travel, let's say. Can you put this recipe into her data banks? I might have something to help you, but its a one chance shot."

"You will have to show me how, but deal. My cake and its recipe for your technology." she held out her hand, not even realizing how cheap that trade-off was, used to doing her business her way and usually getting it to work somehow.

Ray shook it then ran his hand through his hair.

"Also..." he began.

Uh oh... maybe it wasn't as cheap as her homemade cake but it did seem like an unfair trade.

"I am going to show you something super awesomely amazing so I want your promise that you won't tell anyone, not even the C.A. Your husband, however, is aware of the programs we have going on here so private discussion with him if you desire, is allowed."

River smiled and nodded her agreement watching him eat the rest of her cake.


"Good," he said getting up once again, throwing the container and plastic fork away before leading her down the hallway to the inner cortex stopping in front of a large hanger in the center. Tubes of flowing water coming down from the ceiling as it opened again like it did when she got there, powering machines that were working as auto robotics all over the big circular room. In the center, a large half build machine was covered in draping cloth, bustling workers and massive amounts of wires sticking out in neat little bundles.

"What is this?" she whispered in more of awe than anything "It's huge!"

"Just a project. That recipe database is going into it."

"Why do you need a recipe...wait. This looks like something out of the movies my husband loves."

Ray gave a small cough. Might as well tell her.

"We are going to see if not one person can time jump, a whole group. Wouldn't that be cool to see history as it was outside of a book? They are usually wrong, you know."

"So you are making a ship to ride the waves of time as if they were the sea?" she looked up at him again, her face filled with the same childlike curiosity that he often found himself having.

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