Untold Secret.

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Undertaker POV

I woke up around 10:48, I got outta bed and started getting ready for the day, I didn't start working on anything yet just so I could show [Y/N] what to do I was really excited that she would be working here with me, she was just so interesting to be around she was just purely amazing and she had a good sense of humor. I walked over to the mirror and that's when I realized I was getting to carried away with this she would never like me back. All of these depressing thoughts raced through my mind and then that's when I heard someone walk in saying my name I knew that voice it was [Y/N].


I quickly jumped outta my bed around 9:45 am, my face was still a bright red from last night {Did I really do that last night?} I thought to myself, I looked around my room to make sure he wasn't still here before I started getting into my usual outfit. After finally getting dressed I kissed my mom goodbye as I left to got to my first day on the job at the Undertaker's. I arrived at the Undertaker's shop and opened the door.

[Y/N]- "Undertaker are you here sorry if I'm too early."

Undertaker- "Hehehe you're just on time deary." He said sounding a bit cheerful.

I looked around the room and I saw a jar halfway filled with dog biscuits and pointed at it.

[Y/N]- "Why do you have a jar of dog treats, do you have a dog?"

Undertaker- "Hehe no deary their cookies shaped like dog treats, I made them like that so people think there for dogs and I won't have to share them it always works." "Here deary try one."

He picked up the jar opened it and handed me one, I was a bit hesitant at first but I eventually took it and tried a bite of one.

[Y/N]- "Woah these are really good, I wouldn't want to share these either."

Undertaker- "See, now you know why I don't wanna share them."

Undertaker- "Now I'm going to show you what to do around here ok."

[Y/N]- "Awesome can't wait."

Undertaker POV

I began showing [Y/N] what to do if customers walk in, what to do with coffins, how to deal with corpses and how to clean up any messes made by corpses. She seemed really interested in everything I taught her but then something weird happened.

Undertaker- "Ok since it's your first day you only need to deal with customers."

[Y/N]- "Wait w-what?!" She said sounding a bit scared.

Undertaker- "Whats wrong deary I thought you were excited to do this?"

[Y/N]- "I am it's just."

Undertaker- "Just what deary?"

[Y/N]- "W-Well there a reason why my mom wanted me to socialize, you see I have trouble with something that I didn't want to tell you."

Undertaker- "What is it, deary?"

[Y/N]- Well I...

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