Calm down Harry. Don't jump over the table and pull his eyeballs out then strangle him.

"What are you doing at this school? I thought you were in Doncaster."

"How the fuck did you know I was in Doncaster?" he asked angrily.

"I heard some things..."

"Yeah I was in Doncaster, then I graduated and now in Manchester attending Man U. Jesus fucking Christ, Harry have you been getting high or some shit? You're a dumbarse."

"No, arsehole I'm just wondering why you decided to go to Man U and why you're in my class..."

"Look I don't have to tell you shit. Why are you even talking to me?"

I shrugged. "I was just super shocked seeing you here. I didn't think I'd ever see your arse again...unfortunetly I was wrong" I muttered.

"Yeah well here I think you don't wanna see my face, I don't wanna see your's either."

We sat there in an awkward silence for about twenty seconds. "Um...why philosophy?"

"What?" he snapped making me jump a little.

"W-why did you decide to take philosophy? There's tons of others classes you could've switched to..."

"I don't fucking know. I really didn't care. I just closed my eyes and chose a class off the paper. Plus I could bug Mr. Turtle again" he smirked.

"Shows how careless you seem to not care about school" I muttered.

"Hey fuck you" he spit. "I do care about class I'm not exactly the same lazy arsehole you take me for..."

I just looked down at my hands not responding. I really wanted to ask why he hates me, but I know I'll regret it. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. He was just staring at the window, un-interested. "W-why did you bully me for so long? I never did anything to you and one day you just started picking on me..."

Louis laughed. "Isn't it obvious? You're a fag and I don't like fags. They're fucking gross. Seeing a guy with another guy makes me wanna puke."

I gulped. "You've never seen me with another guy..."

"So?! You still like dick! Guys need to be with girls. I mean I don't see why your dumbarse doesn't like pussy...girls are hot."

Okay now this conversation was getting really uncomfortable for me. I mean it already was, but now its worse.

"Sorry I find guys attractive..." I muttered.

Louis laughed then looked into my eyes. My breath hitched in my throat. Why is he looking at me like that? Like he's searching for something...

An evil smirk grew on his face. "Do you find me attractive?"

Okay at that moment my breathing started to get uneven and my heart rate sped up. Why would he ask me that? You know what, I bet he's just trying to make me if he already hasn't.

Thankfully, Liam came over. "Hey, Louis I gotta get going Niall needs me."

"Wait you know Niall, Niall Horan?" I asked.

Liam smiled replying, "yeah, I live in the same dormitory as him. He's down the hall."

"Wow that's cool. Niall told me about you."

"Wait you know Niall?"

I nodded.

"Wait are you Harry Styles?"

I nodded again.

"Dude, no way! Niall talks about you all the time."

I blushed. "Really?"

"Yeah, if I didn't know any better I'd say he fancies you" Liam winked.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Louis shift in his seat and cross his arms with a hard look on his face. Was he pissed off or something?

"That's cool" I muttered shyly.

"Well I'll see you two tomorrow" Liam said waving goodbye.

"Uh, wait I'll walk you out" Louis piped getting up.

"Oh man that's fine, I don't wanna interrupt your convo "

"That's okay our convo was over" Louis said giving me a death stare.

Then that was it. They both walked out, Louis giving me another glance before he stepped out the door.

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

Well that was one of the best conversations I've ever had.


Louis is an ass ain't he? Haha hope he gets better... 

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